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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

‘Unexpected Adventures’… Part 5

The car drove fine, and the weather was great. But just 30 miles before we would be home, we ran into bad weather. The sky was cloudy and a couple of drops of rain fell, but then I noticed to the left of us the clouds were really bad and there seemed to be a tornado trying to form.

I started praying that this would not happen and all of a sudden it started pouring rain!!!! It rained so hard you couldn’t see in front of you! I started praying for God to let this pass us so we could see to get home, and, in a few minutes, it started to let up, it rained hard a few moments later, but then it just stopped, and the sun showed in front of us through the clouds.

At this moment I was reminded of something Jose told me he had read in a book about Watchman Nee, 'The Normal Christian Life'. On the day he died, May 30, 1972 in a Chinese Labor Farm, he wrote"In my sickness, I still remain joyful at heart." He was practicing the word of Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always." Here was a man who died a miserable and painful death and still found joy in his circumstances. It humbled me and I thanked God for getting us through something as minor as a rain storm. It made me view our 'unexpected adventures' from a different perspective. I began to see the joy that came from all of it. The people we met, the places we saw, the unexpected adventures were lessons in life under God's direction and support. We were never alone in these adventures, we were where we were meant to be and God was with us all the time.

Soon after that we were off the highway headed home. Through all of these ‘unexpected adventures’ I learned one very important thing, no matter what life throws at you, no matter how difficult or scary things get, God is just a prayer away, even if the prayer is in the form of tears. He hears you; He calms you; He makes a way even when it seems as if there is no way. You can always trust God to do what is best for you. I thank God for being with us on this amazing adventure and turning all our ‘unexpected adventures’ into a testimony of his grace and love.

God is always good. Good is always God.

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