Daily Prayers
Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24 🙏❤😊
Start and End every day with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE
Gratitude Prayer:
God, thank you for this day, to be grateful for the many blessings and answered prayers you have sent us and the many yet to come. Thank you for opening my eyes to see the many miracles you create each and every day especially in the 'little' things. May we all count our blessings instead of our problems and may we see the beauty in the ashes. May the people struggling and suffering feel your comfort and peace that only you can give. May we learn to love instead of hate and to help instead of hurt others. All this I pray in the name of your son Jesus, may your will be done. Amen 🙏❤☺
Daily Prayer:
God, I pray for words and wisdom to help those in need today and every day. Open my eyes to see, my ears to hear, my heart to comfort and my mouth to speak your words. Help me to be the person you created me to be and to surrender to your will and not my own today and every day. Keep me safe and healthy providing for all my needs and blessing me abundantly, in the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
Thank you for the many blessings and miracles you have sent me and those I pray for. Thank you for renewing my strength when I am weary and reminding me daily that there is 'beauty in the ashes' and there is a purpose for everything. All the praise and glory are yours now and forevermore. Amen
For all Organizations supporting and helping others through life's struggles:
God, I am praying for all the organizations, their leaders, workers, helpers, and volunteers who come to the aid of people in some of their most stressful times in life. I pray you keep them all safe and healthy, providing for all their needs, and you give them the strength, wisdom, courage, love and patience to help others in their time of need and support. Bless them and all those they support and help abundantly,especially the Food Banks,the Church of the Living Water and the ladies who serve in the pantry, the many Churches, and Oganizations that supply people in need with food, hope and love, Joy Blooms, Indiana Patriot Guard Riders, Ribbon of Hope, Heart to Heart Hospice, the Women's Care Center, Celebrate Recovery, and SAWs all in Elkhart, and the Mom's House, Celebrate Freedom and Indy Sober Living recovery houses in Indianapolis, also the Veteran's Organizations and Homeless shelters, in the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen 🙏❤☺
Prayers for all those suffering:
God, I pray today for all those suffering whether with diseases or addictions who feel there is no end to their suffering. Lord, wrap your loving arms around them and let them feel your presence. Give them the peace and comfort only you can give and the strength to keep fighting to live and make memories that will last those they leave behind a lifetime. Show them they are loved and that their suffering is not in vain, that life no matter how painful is worth the journey and you are waiting patiently for their homecoming when their time comes. All this I pray in the name of your son Jesus, may your will be done. Amen 🙏❤☺
All God's People Suffering from any difficulties, struggles, violence and natural disasters of this world:
God I pray for all those who lost their lives in the horrendous DC aircraft collision.
I pray for all those who susffered in the many plane crashes that have been happening throughout the nation and in the world. I pray for all the families who lost loved ones and for all the people involved in the rescue and recovery. I pray for all those working in the tower that night and I pray for all those seeking answers for why this happened. Lay your hands on their bodies, minds, and spirits healing whatever is wrong and restoring them back to full health. Give the families of all the victims the peace and comfort that only you can give and give the people looking for answers the wisdom and courage to seek and find the answers so the families may have clousure, in the name of your son Jesus I pray your will be done. Amen
God I am praying for Valerie who lost her husband who tried to stop a domestic violence situation and for the police offiers who were injured because of this situation. I pray for all the innocent people who witnessed this tradegy, especially the children that were in the vicinity. Lord, wrap your arms around them giving them the peace and comfort that only you can give and heal the police officers who were injured. I pray for all the families that are effected by this situation and pray you keep them safe and healthy providing for all their needs and blessing them abundantly in the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
God I pray for all the people in California who are suffering from the fires that are devastating the area. I pray for all those who have lost their homes and all those who have lost loved ones. I pray for all the firefighters and first responders who are fighting to save lives and rescuse the people. I pray for all those who are reaching out to help others in their time of need. Lord keep them all safe and healthy providing for all their needs and blessing them abundantly, in the name of your son Jesus I pray your will be done. Amen
God I pray for all the people in Valencia Spain, who suffered horrendous floods. The many victims, many who lost their lives and many more lost everything they had besides family members. God wrap them in your loving arms keeping them safe and healthy, providing for all their needs and blessing them abundantly. Give them the peace and comfort that only you can give as you guide them through their struggles and suffering showing them they are not alone, you are with them in the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
God I pray for all the people all over the world who are suffering from hurricanes, floods, wildfires, tornadoes, earthquakes, and many other natural disasters. I pray you keep them all safe and healthy, providing for all their needs and blessing them abundantly. Wrap your arms around them giving them the peace and comfort that only you can give. Guiding them through their struggles and suffering and showing them the love you have for them giving them peace and joy again, in the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
God, I pray for all the victims of wars, civil unrest, gun violence, horrific accidents, and hatred, wrap them in your arms and give them the peace and comfort that only you can give letting them know they are not alone. You are with them through their darkest moments and storms. Wrap your arms around them keeping them safe and healthy, providing for all their needs and blessing them abundantly. Touch the hearts and minds of those who seek to destroy others because of greed, hate, and power putting an end to the destruction they create. Help us all to be the people you have created us to be and teach us to live in harmony and peace before we destroy ourselves in the name of your son Jesus I pray your will be done. Amen
God, I pray for all humanity to seek peace and harmony and to live as one regardless of beliefs or stature, as your son Jesus taught us to. Give us all the wisdom to seek love and peace, not hatred and power in the name of your son Jesus I pray your will be done. Amen 🙏❤☺
All God's People:
God, I am praying for all those suffering and struggling whether mental, physical, emotional, spiritual or financial reasons especially for Margarita, Carmen, Diane, Priscilla and family, Patra, Petra, Beth, Johnny, Larry, Valerie for the loss of her husband, Marianne , Jan and Steve, Barbie and family, Rod, Bobby and Hazel, Zach, Susannah, Joellyn and Casia,Ami, Raymond, Wally, Nancy, Rocco, Katie, Stella, Scott, Mary, , Rod, Cindy, Barbie,Tracey, Kelley, Nina and family, Lucy and family, Liz, Don and family, Ray and family, Dena, Martin, Emily and family, Samuel, Charlotte, Stephen, Kathleen, Martha, Claudia and Chloe,Missy and her mother, Pastor Beth and family, Rosina, Conner and family, Cassandra and baby Julie, Amelia and her family, and all those struggling with ALL( a form of lukemia), Kristina and family, Kandi and family Rita,Cindy and family, Colten and Betty, Hayley and Mark, Joyce and family, Samuel, Joy, Rox Anne and her son, MaryAnn, Simon, Nick, Ben, William, Caitlin and her family, Rod and Cindy, Evan and his family, Judy and family, Cassandra, Conner and his family, Doug, Cindy, Lloyd, Marci, Pamela and her family, Kay, Nick, Andy, Leonardo David and his family, Vianney and family, Bill and his family, Gail, Cathy, Don and family, Carrie, Lori, Sheila, Harold, Kathleen, Debbie and Ken, Rich, Cindy, Ester, Ryan, Nancy, Wally, Denise, Wyatt, Andy and their family, Donovan, and Jeff and Erin and their family, Ellen and Jim, Melissa and Rob and all their family, Dee ,Bud, and Deb, Petra, Carmen, Carmen's sister, Diane, Margarita, Priscilla, Bentley, Abigail, Noah, Bryan, Daniel, Rebecca and Edward, Connor, Rosina, Jan, Samuels' brother in Christ and family, Mike, Tammy and family, Betty, Charley, Levi, Lainey and family, Tracey, Caleb, Lauren and family, Dena and her daughter and their entire family, Lara and Chad and their family, Brenda, Jeanene and family, Kari, Dawn, Trina, Poppy and Taneesha,Chyane, Israel, Hazel, Paul and family, Bill, Joy and Jack, Jerry, Sonia and family, Elinis, Jon and their family, Chris, Nena and family, LeAnzar, Bianca and her children Rosalee and Cashton, Wanda, Phil, Jenny, Serenity, Mason, Beau, Justin, Anna, Lori, Pat, Valia, Reza, Luka, Dan, Vickie, Cathy, Rex, Andrew, Jillian, David, Daniel, Adam, Carrie, Dan, Wesley, Muhamad, Stephanie, Al, Greg, Shelby, Amelia, Pastor Greg , Shawn and all the Ortel family, Aiden and family, Evan and family, Sarah,Chet,Allison, Betty, Dale and family, Anastasia, Chuck and Jill and family, Joanne and Randy and family, Jon and family, Pat, Marianne, Eileen, Dick, David, and their families, Karen, Rick, Judy, Cleo, Anita, Lilith, Cullen, Elliott, Hayden, Tracey, Nick, Yasmin, Ben, Juliette, Jill, Jill's parents, Gerry, Stephen, William, Beth, Emily, Nathaniel, Jonathan, Maria, Zachary, Martin, Abigail, Eric, Mike, Alina Marie, Caitlin, Alex, Cami, Jennifer, Javonte, Isabella, Infinity, Arielle, Dustin, Linda, Scott, Brandy, Kathy, Nikia, Renessme, Matt, Taylor, Bill,Sammy,Kyria, Grayson, Bella, Justine, , Harold, Kathleen, Anthony, Ami, Sariah, Tre'ziah,Jamiyah, Natalie, Everleigh Rose, Aviana, Perlita, Isabella, Michael, Jason, Michael, Shina, Sylas, Scott, Holly, Aaliyah, David, Steve, Mike, Barb, Wayne, Matthew, Emma, Kathy, Ringler, Arletah, Hailey, Brehann, Mia, Carlos, Skylar, Chuck, Kyle, Gabby, Shannon, Jim, Renee, Joy, Joyce, Marla, Lori, David, Raymond, Julie, Raymond, Justin, Shakila, Pam, Eldin, Kassandra, Nolan, Eldin Charles, Ryan, Laura, Barry, Logan James, Robin, Tina, Daivd, Rachel, Kerry, Brandy, Brixley, Lisa, Aaliyah Sahara Jade, James, Bernice, Jose, Kandi, Josh, LeRae, Kendra, Matt, Ben, Zack, Alora Evy Grave, Kim, Brooklynn, Shelly, Mason, Alina Jo, Halie, Peyton Ann, Ashley, Randy, Destiney, Zyler, Makena, Fernando, Alexa, Fernando, Luz, Mikaela, Alejandro, Esteban, Oliver, Oscar, Randy, Bud, Dee, Deb, Jim, Elizabeth, Ashley, Cortney, George, Charlotte, Mike, Jeff, Chaz, Piper, Marissa, Charlotte Olivia Rosemary, Jesse, Tom, Tamara, Tom, Tim, Greg, Dan, Gwen, Joanne, Linda, Carla, Perlita, Darlene, Jenny, Deb, Curtis, Monica, Nick, Mason, Nolan, Everly Willow, Heidi, Ken, Deb, Bryce, Laylah, the prisoners in the ministry of Ken and Deb, Jim, Judy, Sarah, Louis, Tamaey, Erica, Abby, Robin James, Kyle, Taylor, Riley, Max, Carol, Parker, Cathy, Don, Carrie, Kim, Eileen, Bonnie, Peggy, Lois, Vicki, Susan, Kevin, Rhonda, Rick, Cindy, Rod, Chenoa, Jessica, Amanda, Wendy, Scott, Jose, David, Bentley, Abigail, Priscilla, Bryan, Allison, Margarita, Carmen, Diane, Patra, Alexis, Erin, Wynter, MJ, James Morgan, Bentley, Ethan, Collette, and for all those whose names are known only to you, lay your healing hands on their bodies, minds, and spirits, restoring them back to full health and giving the the peace and comfort that only you can give, in the name of your son, Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen 🙏❤☺
Expecting Parents:
God, I am praying for all those expecting a child whether naturally, with the help of another, or by adoption or fostering, keep them and their families all safe and healthy, providing for all their needs and blessing them abundantly, especially Holly, Katelynn,Taylor, Brianna, Betty Jo, Ashley, and all those who only you know. Protect the unborn children, delivering them all safe and healthy into this world, and the children waiting for adoptive or foster parents, keep them all safe and healthy providing for all their needs and blessing them all abundantly, in the name of Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen 🙏❤🤰👶☺
God, I am praying for all those who are trying to have a child and are having difficulty doing so. God, I pray you wrap your arms around them and comfort them knowing they are not alone, you are with them every step of the way. Guide them on the path they are supposed to walk down to become the parents they long to be and give them the peace and comfort knowing they are not alone, you are with them every step of the way, making a way where there seems to be no way and opening the doors when the doors all seem to shut them out, in the name of your son, Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen 🙏❤☺
All Those Who Share Your Word:
The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. 1 Timothy 1:5
God I pray for all the rabbi's, the spiritual leaders, and the missionaries who are in Israel and Palestine at this time, keep them safe and healthy providing for all their needs and blessing them abundantly. Protect them from the violence all around them, in the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
God, I pray for all the people in Crossroad Recovery working with the Faith Mission in Elkhart, IN especially Daniel, Josh,Kelly, Desiree,and Samuel. I pray for words and wisdom to help them reach out to those in need with your word. Wrap your loving arms around them letting them feel your presence knowing they are not alone in their struggles and difficulties, that you are with them every step of the way. Help those in need during their struggles and difficulties guiding them on their paths and comforting them and giving them the peace and understanding that only you can give in the name of your son, Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
God, I pray for the leaders, Rob, Melissa, Rich and Bill of The Freedom to Overcome Group and for all the members of the group. Lord, wrap your loving arms around them letting them feel your presence knowing they are not alone in their struggles and difficulties, that you are with them every step of the way. Help the members in their struggles and difficulties guiding them on their paths and comforting them and giving them the peace and understanding that only you can give in the name of your son, Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
God, I am praying for all the ministers, missionaries, pastors, priests and nuns that are in Ukraine, keep them all safe and healthy protecting them from all those who would harm them, in the name of your son, Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
God, I am praying for all the missionaries in other countries. I pray for patience when they are dealing with water or power outages, that they would get good rest in hot and humid climates when there is no electricity, that they would walk in the spirit in challenging times, and that they use whatever challenging circumstances they face to further their mission of spreading the gospel. Wherever they are or whatever obstacles come their way I pray you keep them all safe and healthy provdiding for all their needs and blessing them abundantly, in the name of your son, Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
God, I am praying for all your clergy, ministers, missionaries, nuns, pastors, priests and all those who share your word with others, Joshua, Pastor Peter Shek in China, all the clergy in the path of Huricane Ian who have lost their homes , places of worship and lives of loved ones, especially Jon and Shirley, Cross Bridge Restoration House in Nashville, TN and it's staff, Micah, Michelle, Beth, Jan,Tina, William, Trae, Brooke, Chris, Debbie, especially missionaries Randy and Kari and family, Nathanael and Linette and family, Matt and Amanda and family, Lavon and family, Nathan and Elizabeth and family, Daniel James and Kristina and family, Loveday Jack and Sandy and family, Ben David Sinclair and family, George and Geraldine and family, Ken and Deb and family, Jeff and family, Jack and Joy and family, Jason and Jessica and family, your pastors especially Pastor Brian and Deborah and family, Pastor Greg and Shawn and family, Pastor Trey and Lori and family, Pastor Cleo and family, Pastor Jeff and family, Pastor Jason and family, Pastor Davey and family, Pastor Madu and family ,Pastor Samuel Que and family, Pastor Steve and Brenda and family, Pastor Ethan and Crystal and family, Pastor Rick and Brenda and family, Pastor Remington and family, Pastor John Huseman and family, Pastor Ron and Olivia and family, Pastor Jon Hauser and family, Pastors Amy and Kevin and family, Pastor Gene and Brenda and family, Pastors Herbert and Tiffany and family, Pastors Ted and Ang and family, Pastor Josh and family, Pastor Dr. Bob and family, Pastor Scotty and family, Pastor Chris and family, Pastor Tim and family, Pastor Keith and family, Pastor Michelle and family, Pastor Dustin and family, Pastor Eli and family, Pastor Beth and family, Pastor Ashley and family, Pastor Teri and family, Pastor Kevin Jack and family, your priests especially, Father Jerome Fasano, Father Kevin, Father Nagel, Father John Hollowell, Father Tony Hollowell, Father Nixon, all those involved in project veil especially Caroline, Daniela, and Father David Michael, and all those whose names are known only to you, keep them all safe and healthy providing for all their needs and blessing them abundantly, in the name of Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen🙏❤☺
All God's Creatures:
God,I am praying for all your creatures great and small, especially Hogan, Sandy, Rosie, Rhoday, Ohana, Dash, Skyler, Stryker, Ruby Rue, Winer, Colter, Sydney,Asha, Brier, Charlie, Mia, Ethel, Lucy, Zoe, Zeus, Buster, Leo, Killer, Chivo, Jezebel, Waffles, Clawdia, Quincy, Sal, Frieda, Missy, Joey, Bart, Toby, Max, Rocky, Winston, Minnie, Mickey, Pluto, Lilo, Evie, Reign, Storm, Cali, Jack, Sammy, Conan, Benji, Mango, Winer, Colter, Titan, Jake, Dakota, Clover, Brynn, Pacata, Bruno, Maverick, Zeke, Murphy, Lucky, Olive, Little Dog, Apollo, Pongo, Dave, Clyde, Harley, Bitty, Riley, Rosey, Remey, Marley, Gage, Poet, Titan, Chico, Ollie, Archie, Jack, Leo, Tipper, Babie, Bella, TJ, Joy, Rafael, Willis, Amber, Bailey, Sampson, Biscuit, all the rescue animals and all those whose names are known only to you. Lay your healing hands on Sampson, Bailey and Amber healing their bodies of cancer and restoring them back to full health, in the name of your son, Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
Lord, today I am praying especially for Murphy, Colter, Titan, Sydney, Reign, and Asha only you Lord knows what is going on in their bodies and I ask that you lay your healing hands on them healing whatever is wrong and, restore them back to full health. Lord, I want to thank you for all the healing you have done in Murphy, Colter, Titan, Reign and Asha and for all the healing yet to come, all the praise and glory is yours now and forever, as always, I pray this in the name of your son, Jesus, that your will be done. Amen 🙏❤🐾😊