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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


“Listen to your Father, who gave you life, and don’t despise your Mother when she is old” Proverbs 23:22


A parent loves a child unconditionally. Yet this does not mean that the parent does not have expectations for the child. For this reason, there may be a sort of system of exchange between the parent and child such as providing the child with rewards for being their best self. The child not only benefits from the rewards, but more so from their own achievements and having done better. Our Father also wants to give us the abundance of His blessings, but like the parent, He asks something of us, that we be an example of his love, grace, and mercy, with humility through our words and most of all our actions. This commitment itself gives us freedom. It is the true freedom that we only find when yielding fully to Jesus Christ.

What does it really mean to live a surrendered life?

Most importantly, it means complete commitment to Jesus Christ that is unchanged by the influence of the world, yielding to Him fearlessly and unwaveringly.

Our desires and our old ways are no longer driving our life. God’s Spirit guides us instead, and His will becomes our goal. Complete surrender to God is not easy.

It means that we relinquish our own desires and selfishness.

Remember though, that the Lord is willing and able to do more than we could ever even imagine.


Heavenly Father thank you, for always taking good care of us!!! Help us to remember every day to surrender to your will with humility and obedience and to continue spreading the good News of Salvation, in Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

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