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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

Life’s Guarantee……CHANGE

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go the way you planned and chaos seems to follow you everywhere you go? Have you ever looked into the mirror and wondered where that grey hair came from or when did that wrinkle appear?

Well my friend, that’s life. The only guarantee we have in life is CHANGE, sometimes for the better, sometimes not. Every day is new and nothing is the same as yesterday.

Some days change is not noticeable other days it smacks us right in the face! But the one thing you can always rely on is that change is happening everywhere to everything. The challenge is how we accept that change…..

When I was a child CHANGE couldn’t happen fast enough….I wanted to be bigger, faster, smarter, older and I could hardly wait until I was grown up enough to do what I wanted to do without anyone telling me I couldn’t. Funny, we never really reach that point because if it’s not someone telling us we can’t it’s our own bodies preventing us from doing what we want…..

There are two guarantees in death……ETERNAL PEACE if you believe in God or ETERNAL CHAOS if you do not believe. Now personally, I do not want to be in eternal chaos after I am dead, I see enough chaos while I am still here so when my body finally gives up I don’t want to spend eternity with the same suffering and chaos that is going on all around me now! So I choose to believe in God because He promises eternal life without pain, without tears, without chaos.

I admit I have had my doubts and my disagreements with God. Who hasn’t? At some point in our lives we have all questioned whether God really knew what he was doing and we probably (if we are being truthful ) have all been angry with God about something. God knows we are not perfect. He created us! But he still loves us anyway and like any good parent he wants only the best for us and guides us as much as we allow Him to.

It really just boils down to this… have a choice ( because God gave us free will) either you choose to believe in God and accept him and his promise of ETERNAL PEACE or you don’t and face ETERNAL CHAOS…’s that simple…..

Keep in mind though that choosing ETERNAL PEACE means you have to follow the rules: 1. Love God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul. 2. Love you neighbor as yourself. It’s not easy, but then God never said life would be easy, just worth it….

Think about it……ETERNAL PEACE or ETERNAL CHAOS…. The choice is yours….. as for me I choose ETERNAL PEACE.


Lord, when I am lost, confused, or angry remind me that I am here only for a short while. That this is not my forever home, I am merely passing through. How I accept the changes in this world will prepare me for my forever home with you. Help me to accept change and look forward to better things to come, in the name of your son, Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen

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