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Updated: Oct 18, 2023

“Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD; LORD hear my voice…

If you, LORD, kept a record of sins, LORD who could stand? But with you there is FORGIVENESS, so that we can with reverence, serve you… I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my HOPE… I wait for the LORD more than watchmen wait for the morning… Israel, put your HOPE in the LORD for with the LORD is unfailing LOVE…and with Him is full redemption, He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins…”

Psalm 130:1-8

“Two other men, both criminals. Were also led out with Him to be executed…

Jesus said: “Father, Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”…

One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God?” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said. “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Luke 23:32-43


In modern times everything has gotten easier and faster. We want things "on demand," order things directly to our house, and even can call cars to come to pick us up through our phones.

If we have to wait on the phone to talk to a real person or wait in a line at the supermarket, it can negatively affect our mood!

How spoiled have we become?

Does God not patiently wait for all of us, even if it is on our dying day?

Of course he does, and for Him the reward is much less than it is for us. Our reward for going to Him, regardless of how long it may take us is eternal life!

All people are worthy of salvation in the eyes of the Lord…Even murderers, sentenced to death row, awaiting their execution, can draw comfort knowing that they can be redeemed. This is the power of Jesus Christ.

Think of Jesus’ crucifixion and the story of the penitent thief (Luke 23:32-43). The criminal asks Jesus, as they are on the crosses, for forgiveness, to which Jesus replies: "Amen I say to you today you will be with me in Paradise." (Luke 23:43) No matter your situation, no matter what you have done, no matter what you will do, no matter when, if you seek God and ask for forgiveness, you will be redeemed. It may not be as instantaneous as we want everything to be in modern society, but everlasting life is certainly worth the wait! Prayer:

Father in Heaven Thank you for your GRACE! For sending us your Son Jesus to Forgive, Love and Redeem us, help us to walk everyday with your Holy Spirit and continue spreading the Good News of Salvation to everyone! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

Author: Jose Reyes

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