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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

The ‘No Plan’ Plan

Now some of you may be wondering just what kind of a plan this is and why on earth anyone would have a plan like that! Let me explain…. Jose and I always trust in God for everything. Every morning when we get up we pray and give thanks for another day. Our plan for each day is to serve God in some way and to do that we have to trust that God will show us what he needs us to do. Believe me when I say that there was a time for both of us when we did not trust God and our ‘plans’ did not go well most of the time. Now we live each day with no plan and do whatever we feel God is directing us to do. Some days that is just simply enjoying the day, other days we are busy spreading God’s word or helping others in some way. We believe that there is a purpose for every day that we wake up and we trust God to show us what that purpose is for each day.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

When we decide to go on an ‘adventure’ we don’t plan our trip other than where we want to go or what we want to see. We don’t plan everything along the way. We go where God leads us. We have seen a lot of towns and places we never even heard of or thought about because of our ‘No plan’ plan. We start out with a specific destination and then we go wherever we are led to go. I always put our destination in my phone for directions and we always end up taking the scenic route for some reason! The only time we didn’t was on our last trip when we had so many ‘unexpected adventures’ due to car trouble. But even in the midst of a busy interstate in a lot of traffic, we were where we needed to be. I didn’t realize it at the time; because I was too busy trying to get help and having a melt down! But when the taxi driver picked us up he said it was a good thing we broke down where we did instead of on some back road where it would have been harder to get help and would have cost a lot more! Once again we were where God knew we needed to be, even if it was a busy highway.

The Lord will always guide you. Isaiah 58:11

This is why our plan is ‘no plan’. We trust that God will guide us in all our ‘adventures’ and we will always be right where we are supposed to be. If you think about it, every day is an ‘adventure’ of some sort. Life is an ‘adventure’ in itself and we enjoy each and every adventure that comes along, even the ‘unexpected’ ones.

To be perfectly honest, I have never been happier or felt more at peace than I do today. Sure I have my moments and my meltdowns like everyone else, but the difference is I know that I am not alone…… ever…. God is always with me even in the middle of the storm or the meltdown. I highly recommend the “No Plan’ Plan but I warn you, you will still have struggles and life with still test you in the worst ways possible, but you will be more at peace than you have ever been before. You will see things you never expected to see and go to places you never thought of going. Life will become a continuous adventure! No hurries, no worries, just go with the flow and trust God to see you through. He always does.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

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