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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

"The Great Pandemic"

“Only in God do I find Peace; my Salvation comes from Him.” Psalm 62:5 (popular version)


Have you considered the need to start over? To start new cycles? ….To close others

How has the hopelessness and weariness of humanity increased in relation to the future?

One sees fatigue in the young, in the middle aged, and in the elderly... The whole world is tired…!

What are your expectations for your future?

For many, it is just to recover what they had with no plans for the future... no forward vision. It seems that we, as a generation, are suffering from a deep fatigue, a pandemic of despair, on this planet... in the whole world there is great uncertainty. Many are hopelessly lost, confused, with lack of vision, and no clarity. Where are you going?

It seems that we are missing hope, and strength to go forward...!

Despair, and tiredness is felt around the world but it is also personal. Everyone experiences despair and tiredness on some level...! What is your level of tiredness, hopelessness?

Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Tiredness…causes, among other things, not being able to reflect on oneself…creating states of Anxiety or depression…. causing the inability to have the courage to move forward…

It is important to take time to reflect and renew your body and spirit.

Life is made up of cycles, it has pasts, and presents… life has moments… and those moments can become cycles that are continued for generations… and many times we continue carrying the good and bad things that happened to us like luggage…Over time wear and tear accumulates...

The big problem is when the previous cycles are opened…and we get stuck in the past…it breaks dreams, it kills…it ends Hope and the worst thing that can happen to a human being is to lose Hope…because losing hope, strength to get ahead, and dreams is like losing your life…

It is like living on autopilot… it is as if things stop making sense… just as when we sleep we are not really living… during the Covid 19 Pandemic, there were many people lost, suffering, tired, anxious, desperate, in pain, depressed, aggressive, violent, full of hate… without Hope without God…!

That is why the idea of ​​Restarting is important and recommended. Starting over with a new vision of the Future… Starting new cycles… understanding that in order to have new strength and Hope we need to turn the page, refresh, cleanse ourselves of all that contamination, and tiredness of the past, shake off that hopelessness, renew our strength to see life in a different way...

Begin each day with a renewed vision, seeing each sunrise as a new day, a new opportunity to get ahead, with vitality and optimism, to move forward with renewed Hope and faith for a better Future...

Regardless of what has happened to us…it is difficult to do it by ourselves we need the help of GOD Almighty…!!!

Let's never lose Hope for a better Future... look up to the sky and ask for Help, and new strength...! It's never too late... to start over...


Our Father who art in heaven; Thank you for renewing our Hope daily, Give us wisdom, Guidance and new strength to continue sharing the "Good News" of Salvation...we pray in the name of our Beloved Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ, Amen!

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