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“Speak in Peace”

Writer's picture: cowmama60barnescowmama60barnes

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone Be Quick to LISTEN, SLOW to SPEAK and SLOW TO BECOME ANGRY”

James 1:19


It is easy to lash out at others, as with a "knee-jerk reaction," but it takes wisdom and patience to hold our tongues or "HOLD OUR PEACE."

It is not always the right time and place to shout out accusations at others, even when others are in the wrong...

And it also matters the manner in which we deal with others as to their faults.

So be Quickly to listen, and slow to speak … think twice and before speaking…relax... walk away.... breath deep, count to one hundred... calm down...pray and let God take control of the situation...then either write it down or if you speak...


Knowledge is memorizing the scriptures and repetition… but

Wisdom is learning and applying the spiritual principles in our daily life…

The people that control their tongue, mouth, words are wise…


Teach us, Lord, to be patient with others, kind, forgiving, tender-hearted, and meek. When it is right for us to speak out over a wrong done by someone else, help us to do it in the right way. Help us to know when to hold our peace and when to speak out and continue share the “Good News of Salvation” in Jesus’ name we Pray, Amen!

Jose Reyes


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