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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

Silence is hard…..

Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God”

This is one of the most difficult tasks God has ever asked of me…..Be Still…..Know that I am God……Be Still….Oh how I wish I could make my mind be still! Sometimes I just say to my mind “Shut up!!! Enough is enough!” but my mind doesn’t always listen to my ranting and raving for it to be still.

I really struggle with this every day because I always have a thousand different things going on in my head even before I am fully awake….it’s difficult sometimes to make my mind be quiet and just breathe. But God tells me to Be Still and so I try my best to do just that.

But when I finally manage to “Be Still” I feel alone…..all I hear is silence….and just when I’m at my limit and want to start asking questions like “ Where are you? What do you want to tell me?” I hear a faint whisper saying “Be Still, just breathe” and my mind remembers Hebrews 13:5 “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Now being honest I have never “heard” God’s voice speaking to me, I have never seen him or anything else but I believe that God speaks to me through other people who he puts in my path. Sometimes it’s just a message from a friend with a prayer request or just a simple “Hi! How ya doing, thinking of you” God speaks in whispers….he never shouts or screams at me….he gently shows me what he wants me to know, or do, or see. Sometimes it is something as simple as a bird perching on my patio fence, or a cat sleeping in my flowers….sometimes it is something as simple as a soft touch that I feel from nowhere….however the answer comes I always know that it came from him. How do I know you ask… the peace I feel when it happens and sometimes by the flood of tears that come from my eyes.

So yes, I struggle with silence but I welcome it too, because that’s when my mind becomes still and my heart is content…maybe for just a moment but so worth the effort.


God, I pray you give me the wisdom and strength to “Be Still” and let you do the talking. I pray you help me to listen to your whispers and do your will instead of my own. I thank you for your patience with me when I can’t stop talking and for loving me as I am and helping me to be the me, you made me to be. All the praise and glory are yours now and forever. Amen

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