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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

Prayer is simply a conversation...

Come to the table…..

Bring your coffee, tea, soda, water, etc….

Have a conversation…

The only limits God has are the ones we put on him…..the only thing holding us back from being who we want to be is ourselves…..with just ourselves things are impossible but with God all things are possible.

Prayer has no set standard …. There are no magic words that make one prayer more special than another….. There are no special words that make God listen to one prayer and not another…..even tears can be a conversation....

God knows what is in your heart and mind….he just wants you to own them…..he wants to hear you say what is in your heart and your mind…….he wants you to own your victories and your defeats by telling him about them…..

No one can heal their hurts until they admit they are hurting. No one can change until they want to and they cannot change without the help of God.

We all make plans for our lives but God directs our paths….some plans take longer because we are trying to do it our way….some plans are not the ones we would have chosen but they are the ones we are meant to follow.

It’s ok to be angry with God, he understands and he loves us even when we don’t love him. God knows our pain but he can’t help us heal our hurts if we never ask him to. God gave us free will which means we can choose ….choose to ignore Him and struggle our whole life with anger, and resentment…..or we can choose to tell Him we are mad, angry, and hurting and ask Him to help us heal and find peace and love once again.

The only thing holding you back from your dreams is yourself. You must have faith in the gifts that have been given to you. You must believe that God has a plan for you. Take the time to be still and be patient waiting for His answer....remember God's time is not 'our'time...... God does not watch the clock counting down the minutes...His answer will always come at the 'right' time.

Believe and you shall receive…..once you receive you must accept it and be grateful for it even if it is not the answer you were expecting. Then you will be living life abundantly.


God, I need your help today. I don't know what this day will bring and I need you to help me get through it no matter what happens, in the name of Jesus, I pray for your help. Amen

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