For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
When you knit or crochet every stitch is done for a purpose. Every stitch is thought about and carried out. Every pattern has a purpose for what you are making. So what does this have to do with God’s creations?
I have been known to tear out an entire project just because I found a mistake 20 rows back or tear out a project and start over multiple times just because I discovered some silly little flaw and I wanted it to be perfect. Nobody but me sees the ‘flaw’ but I know it’s there.
So this got me to wondering about flaws in general. I started thinking about me and others who have “flaws”, some more noticeable than others and I started wondering why God would create people without limbs or sight, or hearing. Why would he create a person with a mental disability or different colored eyes.
Then it came to me, God created all people with flaws, some are just more noticeable than others. But the ones whose “flaws” show the most are reminders to all of us that everyone has something that is not perfect about them. No human is every created perfect, why? Because if people were created “perfect” there would be no empathy or tolerance for those who were “imperfect”, there would be no compassion and love for others.
God created us to be “Perfectly Imperfect”, to not look at just the outer appearances but to look deeper into the heart and to show love and compassion and empathy to our fellow human beings.
I still make mistakes and in every project I make at least 1, that no one will see or even pay attention to but I know that it is there. I know that it is God’s way of saying the ‘flaws’ have a purpose too. They are perfectly imperfect just like me and I’m ok with that.
God, thank you for making me “Perfectly Imperfect” and showing me that imperfection has a purpose too. It teaches humility, compassion, empathy, and most of all love. Thank you for loving me enough to make me perfectly imperfect. Amen
Author: Bernice Barnes