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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


On the evening of the first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said; “PEACE BE WITH YOU!” John 10:19 (NIV)


Fear is the primary emotion in this scene: the disciples are huddled together, terrified that the Jews would find them and they would share the same fate as Jesus. Their terror is justified because the Disciples had recently witnessed the brutal crucifixion of the person that they cared for and believed in. They must have been emotionally conflicted with feelings of sadness, doubt, fear, and guilt. What should they do? At that moment, Jesus appears and says: "Peace be unto you." I can imagine there were no more beautiful words that the disciples could have heard. Their fears must have been immediately lifted, and the doubts that they previously held must have been put to rest. This verse has a different meaning for me: when I put myself in the shoes of the Disciples, I am filled with feelings of anger, hate, sadness, guilt, and selfishness in wanting to protect myself. I would be so bitter and filled with doubt about all that I had learned from Jesus while harboring a deep hatred for the Jews. Jesus comes back to send me a message:

"Peace be unto you." Calm your heart. Release your anger. Let peace rule your heart. Do not hold onto the sins of your abusers and hold hate in your heart. Jesus grants you peace in your most troubled moments. He grants the Jews, who tormented and tortured him up until his death, peace. Our sins were forgiven through Jesus, but do not forget that the Jews’ sins were also forgiven. Do not doubt the love of God. Be faithful to Him and let peace be unto you. Free yourself from the fear, doubt, and hate that you may hold in your heart. This is not how Jesus would want us to live! He wants to grant us peace, even when we feel the opposite the most. He lived and died so that we may live. Honor his life by granting peace to yourself and to those around you. God is good


Father in Heaven, help me to receive your Peace every day and forgive those who hurt me,

In the name of Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen!

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