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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


Well, today like every day this week I have been working on our new Website, Peaceful Pastures. It's has definitely been a test of my patience because just when I think I have it all figured out I somehow hit something I don't need or delete something I do! In the midst of all of this I hear "Slow down! Be still and know that I am God! I'm right here.... take a deep breath and be still..." Now there was a time I would have freaked out when I heard this but not now. Even though I am here alone, ( Jose went to his meetings for the first time in months today) but I wasn't unnerved at hearing this voice.... in fact I felt a wave of peace come over me as I took a deep breath and waited.

I sometimes forget that I am not in control of everything. If I just take my time and trust in God, everything works out fine. When I try to do everything by myself, thinking that I am in control of what is to be, I fail miserably. But when I take a deep breath and ask for guidance and wisdom and sometimes strength things work out a whole lot better! So why did I get so frustrated and upset? Because I didn't take the time to breathe and just let things flow like they should. I tried to rush myself and my computer which ended badly I might add.... but after hearing that whisper telling me to breathe and slow down, I realized I was not "practicing what I preach"..... being still and letting God do his thing....I was letting my ego and my stubborness run the show.

So, now that I have things where I want them for now, I will take the time to 'breathe' and rest. Thank you for listening to my rant and I hope that you will enjoy the new website. Until next time, take care, remember when things seem total chaos, be still and just breathe....God's got your back even if you don't realize it....He's always there, holding out his hand, waiting for you to grab hold and let him help. Enjoy your day, I'm going to pray and crochet!

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