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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

Passion of Prayer

Today I want to talk to you about passion, specifically the passion of prayer. Prayer is different to everyone..... some people pray kneeling, sometimes for hours..... some people pray in groups holding hands....... some people pray specific prayers at specific times of the day...... some people pray shouting and singing....... some people pray in silence..... some people pray through others..... some people pray through tears..... however people pray doesn't really matter..... what matters is that God answers all of those prayers despite how we present them.

This is something I am extremely passionate about .... praying.... because in praying we are creating a closer bond with God...... we are seeking a relationship with our creator. The older I get the more I feel closer to God...... not because I am getting old because let's face it, I'm not really old yet.... I'm only 69, well almost 70 but still I'm not 100! I have many years on this earth to look forward to.... at least I hope I do.... but nevertheless, I am realizing more and more that it does not matter how I pray to God just that I do.... every day, for everything and anything. For me prayer is much more that reciting some verse that was written for a specific situation. I used to think that in order to pray I had to recite the rosary or the Lord's prayer. I can remember praying "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen" every night before I went to sleep. This was important because it taught me how to talk to God. I used to pray psalm 23 1-6 every time I was scared about something or someone. " The Lord is my shepherd ......"

I was raised as an Episcopalian; I went to a Baptist church with my aunt and cousins once in a while. I went to my girlfriend's Methodist church once in a while. I became Catholic when my granddaughter went to school. However, I never felt as close to God in any of these establishments as I do in my own home. I finally realized that it doesn't matter where I go to worship God as long as I worship him. I've gone to several Spanish speaking churches, and I went to a church that played very loud upbeat music with lights and everything and was originated in the pastor's house, moved to a movie theater, and then built one of the largest churches in the South Bend, IN area! I even attended a church that held services in a mall!!! They moved in with another church that has more space and is in a better location than where they were. Who knows where I will worship next? To me the where is not important.... the when is not important either......nor the how........what is important is the why.

The reason I pray is what is important to me.... I pray for everything, anything, anyone, and everyone. Now some of you might be thinking that this is some religious nutcase who has lost her mind in her elder years. This is definitely not the case.... I do not go around reciting scripture all day long..... I couldn't even if I wanted to because I don't remember scripture. I have read the bible all the way through but I cannot tell you where a specific event takes place in the bible, but I can tell you what I do remember even if I can't tell you where it specifically is in the bible. What is important to me is that Jesus died for my sins and forgives me on a daily basis when I mess up. He doesn't condemn me; he forgives me, and he guides me. I know that God has great plans for me because he said so in the bible. I know that if I trust in God that he will take care of me and provide for do I know...... because I have never wanted for anything in my life.... I have always had a place to live, food on the table, a bed to sleep in, clothes to wear and people who loved me. God provided all of that, so he has always taken care of me.

My praying has changed over the years. I used to believe that you only prayed for important things, like healing or comfort. You didn't pray for the little things like getting through the day or having enough money to pay the rent or enough food to feed your family. These were things you worked for, and your work rewarded you with enough to get by. I spent a lot of time trying to survive on my own. I made a lot of bad choices because I tried to do everything on my own without God's help or guidance. I'm glad I finally realized that I did not have to do things on my own. That I could ask for help.... not from other people but from God.

At first, I prayed all the prayers I could remember from my childhood. But it didn't seem to help. Then one day I just broke down and cried and cried.... and in the midst of my tears I simply asked God for help. I told him I couldn't take anymore and I just wanted the pain and problems to stop. I just wanted to rest. It was at this time that I suddenly felt at peace. For the first time I actually felt comfort and I knew things would get better. I can't explain it but that was the best prayer I ever said. That was when I realized that God did not care how much scripture I memorized, all he really cared about was that I talk to him and tell him what was in my heart. That's when God became my best friend. Now I pray all day long... I talk to God as if he's sitting right there with me. I tell him things I would not tell anyone else even Jose. I know God already knows everything that is going on with me but like a true friend he likes to hear it from me.

When I tell someone to pray to God, I am not talking about kneeling down and reciting some prayer you have memorized, I am talking about having a conversation with God from your heart and your mind. When I say pray I mean talk to God as if he was your best friend and confidant. God doesn't care what you are wearing, where you are, or even what you say or how you say it. He just wants it to be a conversation between the two of you..... one on one.... heart to heart. Don't be afraid to tell God that you are mad at him or you don't know why things aren't what you want them to be. The thing he wants most is your honesty and your faith that he will listen. He is always faithful and believe me he listens! So where ever you are, what ever you are doing, take the time to talk to God. Engage him in a conversation, tell him all your problems, your secrets, your achievements, everything...... you will find yourself more at peace than you ever thought possible..... I know from experience. If people think I'm crazy so be it...... I love this kind of crazy and I highly recommend it to everyone!!!! This is my passion in life!!!!

So, until next time my friends, take care of others and yourself, love others and most of all love yourself...... after all you are a child of God and he already loves you just the way you are.... remember to have your conversation with God every day and be happy! God Bless!!!

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