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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


Motherhood is the most awesome, wonderful, mysterious, and sometimes the scariest and most difficult part of a woman's life. What does it mean to be a mother? What are the rules? What are the guidelines? What are the criteria for motherhood???

Being a mother can take many different forms but one thing that is the same for all mothers (whether they want to admit it or not) is the love they have for their child. There is a bond that forms with a child and a mother at the moment of conception or the moment the child is held in her arms that can never be broken.....that one moment when she feels the child inside her or the moment she looks at the child's face and holds it to her's the greatest and scariest time in a mother's life. It's the moment she realizes her life is forever will never be the same again.....that no matter what happens she will always have a special connection to another human being that cannot be explained in words...only felt in the heart.

For some motherhood is the greatest job in the that they have planned for their whole life. They married and planned for children right from the start. They are able to spend all of their time caring for their families and nurturing their children. Or they have a job and handle the juggling act of balancing work and motherhood without a hitch. They may not be the perfect mother in everyone eyes but to their children they are what holds them together. This mother becomes her children's best friend and her love is never ending.

Then there are the women who decided to become mothers and adopt. Mothers don't have to be of the same DNA to be mothers. Motherhood is not merely DNA.....motherhood comes from the heart....the bond felt between a mother and a child doesn't just happen in the womb it happens in the heart. This connection between a mother and a child that happens in the heart remains the same forever ...the change is permanent for both. It doesn't matter if the adoption occurs at birth or several years later.....the bond is the same regardless and the love is unconditional and forever.

However, not all mothers are this fortunate, some mothers are in situations very different from this. How about the teenage mom who is a child herself? Is she any less a mother if she decides to give her child a better chance in life than she can give him? Or what about the mother who finds herself in a dark place in her life and places her child with someone who is better equipped to care for the child than she is at that point? What about the mother struggling to make a living for her child who has to spend more time away from them than she would like...and has to handle every situation alone? What about the mothers who are broken and feel they are not worthy to be a mom so they turn to others for help?

The one thing these very different mothers have in common is the love they have for their child.... that is the one thing that is the same. That first moment when they realized they were going to be forever changed.

Mothers are not perfect.....they make mistakes just like everybody else. Some more than others.....but the love that they feel for their child never goes away not matter what the circumstances.

I was not a "perfect" mother......I made many mistakes in my life and I made many bad choices.....but the love for my children never faltered....the unconditional love has never changed. Did I experience difficult times raising my children??? .... Yes... would I change anything????

At times I wish things had been different but then I realize that if I changed anything they would not be the wonderful, strong, loving women they are today. My only regret is that they only remember the difficult and dark times in our lives.....they don't remember the times I spent reading to them before bedtime......or the nights I stayed up with them when they were sick......or when I frantically ran to the school to get one of them because she didn't walk home with the others.....

When it came to protecting them, I was a fierce forceful woman .... I would give my life for my children and take my last breath telling them I love them..... Nothing they can do or say will ever change my love for them. I am a mother even after I leave this world......a part of me will always be with them.... we are bonded for words needed.

To all the mothers out there who have children who do not visit or recognize or even know you, hold your head high and know that you are a mother regardless of your circumstance and you did the best you could at the time. Bless you and God keep you safe and give you comfort.

To all the great mothers in the word, I applaud you. You are great role models for the generations to come!!! My mother was one of you and I cherish her even though she has gone from this world. Happy Mothers Day to all!!!! God bless and keep you safe and healthy until we meet again!

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