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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

Mirror, Mirror …..

People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

1 Samuel 16:7


When you look into the mirror what do you see? Do you focus on your face? Do you check for flaws in your face and body? Do you see the ‘real’ you, the person God created?

When I look into the mirror I see, me, just plain little old me, nothing glamorous, nothing stunning, nothing special, just me. I see all my wrinkles, and scars, I see my gray hair and the bags under my eyes when I don’t sleep well.. Does this bother me? No….. why you might ask…..

My outside appearance is just a roadmap of my life journey. It is not ‘who’ I am. Who I am is someone who loves God and does what I can to show God’s love to others. I pray as I crochet and I pray for others daily.

People tend to see the outside appearance of others and many times do not see the ‘real’ person. People tend to judge others by their appearance and not by their actions. Actions do speak louder than words. Let your actions speak peace, compassion, and love for others.


Lord, help me to show your love to others through my actions and not just my words. Use my actions to show others your love and goodness. Help me to be the person you see. Amen

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