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“Meekness is not weakness”

Writer's picture: cowmama60barnescowmama60barnes

“The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Matthew 23:11-12

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5


Evangelization is seeing the God in others and allowing others to see the God in us. We can only achieve the second part of that equation by allowing God to increase in us so that our behavior imitates that of Jesus Christ. The way we achieve the first half is to see each individual as a face of God.

Genesis tells us that we are made in the image and likeness of God. Genesis doesn’t say that some people are made in the image and likeness of God, it says all humanity is. Again, we are reminded that we have nothing in ourselves to boast about. When we accept that we are all the same  it is easier to see others as equals, which in turn makes it easier to see everyone as brothers and sisters, children of the one God.  

When we walk with the Holy Spirit facing darkness and hostility, Meekness it doesn’t mean weakness… Meekness means power under control by the Holy Spirit…

Be gentle. Be humble. Love each other, with humility and meekness, with compassion, and encouragement for one another. Do all this with love, so that your love may abound still more in knowledge and discernment…



Lord, you have created us, you formed us in your image and you have given us all we have. You have called us to share these gifts with others in thanks and praise. Let us be open to sharing your love with all those you send us, in Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Author: Jose Reyes


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