Let us hold unswervingly to the HOPE we profess, for HE who promised is FAITHFUL. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward LOVE and GOOD DEEDS… but encouraging one another... Hebrews 10:22-25
Now FAITH is confidence in what we HOPE for and ASSURANCE about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for! By FAITH we understand that the UNIVERSE was formed at GOD’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Hebrews 11:1-3
The earth is the LORD’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for HE founded it on the seas and established it in the waters. Psalm 24:1-2
We have explored, and visited many places, and we are always impressed and amazed by the wonders of the Universe and the planet we call Earth that our Universe’s Creator has made…
The EARTH often reflects the beauty and glory of God! As we engage with the world around us, we can see His handiwork in each landscape and natural wonder. This perspective allows us to appreciate the creation and recalibrate our hearts to be in tune with its beauty. By recognizing the land as a structural reflection of God’s glory, we are encouraged to worship through appreciation and respect for His created world. Let’s keep our hearts open to the wonders around us.
All creation shows the LOVE, GREATNESS and GLORY of GOD!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
It’s clear that land is not just a physical entity. More importantly, it embodies God’s promises, showcases our responsibilities, and reflects our relationships with one another and the Earth itself. God has blessed us with land to care for, share, and celebrate together.
Remembering these aspects can encourage us to appreciate and honor the resources God has provided while fostering strong communities built on love, respect, and taking care of others and the planet we live on . Let’s carry these teachings in our hearts and let them inspire us to act justly and lovingly toward the land and each other.
As we engage in our daily lives, we must remember the importance of caring.... not for just the soil beneath our feet but also the relationships we cultivate. We show this through gratitude, protecting and being responsible for others and the planet we were given to take care of. We can embody the biblical principles that call us to act in kindness and respect, recognizing that we are all part of something much greater. Let’s strive to create a world that reflects the glory of creation and honors the gifts we’ve been given.
Looking forward, let’s continue to seek ways to connect with our communities and the land we share, rooted in the goodness and grace we have received as God’s creation. We are in this together, and together we can shine God’s light in the world around us.
Our Father in Heaven, UNIVERSE’s CREATOR and RULER! We TRUST in you indeed.
Thank you for your EVERLASTING LOVE, help us to be responsible caretakers of your creation and LOVE, one another without discrimination! Renew our FAITH, HOPE, TRUST, every day to continue sharing joyfully, with WORDS and ACTONS, the GOSPEL to the entire planet! In JESUS’ name we pray AMEN!
Jose Reyes.