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Life’s Adventures…..

Writer's picture: cowmama60barnescowmama60barnes

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

Jesus said: “Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later.”

Jesus was going on the ultimate adventure, he was going back home to God, his father. This is the beginning of the ultimate adventure, the Eternal Adventure!

We experience many ‘adventures’ in our daily lives, but do we see them as preparations for the ultimate adventure? Whenever Jose and I decide to go on and adventure we make general plans, when to go, where to go, what to do, but very rarely do we plan every detail of our adventure out. Our plan is No plan. We just start out in the direction we decided to head and enjoy the adventure. Sometimes we stop in some little town or spot that looks interesting and just explore, and it never fails that when I put our destination into the GPS we always end up going the scenic route! Totally off grid! God always knows when we need to rest and relax or to take the quickest way to where ever we are going and I trust him to direct our path.

Life is and adventure and I trust God to direct my path in whatever comes my way. God is my GPS and he has never steered me wrong yet. I have learned in my ‘life adventures’ that when I try to do things ‘my way’ and in ‘my time’ it never turns out as well. I have had many ‘misadventures’ along my journey but those ‘misadventures’ have always led me to people I would otherwise never have met and lessons I never would have learned if they had not happened.

Life is a preparation for the ultimate adventure to come! How you live your life in this present adventure will prepare you for the Eternal Adventure that is yet to come!

How are you preparing for the ultimate adventure? Are you living your life to its fullest? Are you showing love, compassion, and peace to your fellow man? Are you doing all you can do to prepare for the next adventure? Remember, ‘worldly things’ will not go with you on your Eternal adventure; they will no longer be needed.

Enjoy all your adventures to the fullest with joy, peace, love, and compassion knowing that they are preparing you for the adventure of all times.

Jesus said: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


Thank you God, for sending Jesus to save the world and give us Eternal Life. Thank you for sending Jesus to guide our paths and show us how to prepare for our greatest adventure, Eternal Life. Keep our hearts and minds focused on preparing for this ultimate adventure in the name of your son Jesus we pray your will be done. Amen

Author: Bernice Barnes


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