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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

Life lesson from a soda bottle……

Matthew 19:26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

This morning was like every other morning for me…..I woke up, shut off the alarm on my phone, checked the weather, said good morning to Jose, prayed with him before getting out of bed, got up and started my day.

As I always do I opened my documents to my Conversations with God and started talking to him….. then I decided I needed something to drink, so I went to the kitchen and got a glass and a bottle of soda from the refrigerator. I started to take off the cap on the bottle with my bare hands and couldn’t. Now anyone who knows me knows that I didn’t just give up and try to find something to help me get it open…..oh no, I know that I will get that bottle open with my bare hands because I am not weak! So I kept on trying to open the bottle to no avail. Then a strange thing happened……I suddenly thought to myself ‘why are you trying to do this without any help? You have things that will help you get this open….why are you being so stubborn?’ I kind of laughed to myself and said ‘you’re right…..what was I thinking? Why am I struggling alone when I can just get my rubber thingy that helps me grip the cap and it will open.’ So I got in the drawer and took out the rubber circle and gripped the cap and lo and behold the cap came off in one try with one turn!

As I poured the soda into the glass I began to think about all the times I struggled in life simply because I refused to ask for help. There were many times in my life that I had the ‘I can do it by myself’ attitude and to be truthful things didn’t turn out so well….I spent a great deal of my life trying to do everything by myself because I thought that was how it was. I didn’t need any help, I was strong enough, and smart enough to do it all by myself. But I wasn’t really. It took me a long time to realize that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of maturity….when you ask for help you are not only helping yourself with whatever it is you are doing but you are helping the person who helps you learn to give and grow in serving. Allowing someone to help you gives someone else the chance to serve you and thus helps them grow also. So this morning I gave my ‘rubber’ thingy the chance to do what he does best, help me grip the cap and we both succeeded in doing our job well.

As for my conversations with God, that is me telling God all my adventures of the day, how thankful I am for another day to serve him and love others, but most of all it is my time to ask him for help so that he has the opportunity to do what he does best……show his love and compassion for me and everyone I pray for. I have come to realize that no matter how much I struggle in life, I can always ask God for help and he will help me. Sometimes I get impatient with his help because it doesn’t happen when I think it should or how I think it ought to be ….. but if I’m being honest it is always at the right time and is always the right answer even if I don’t feel like it is…..sometimes I don’t know how he does what he does but I have come to realize that the how and the whys aren’t really important it’s the fact that he always answers and helps me in my times of struggle. Sometimes that help comes in through a person, sometimes it comes in an unexpected phone call.....however the help comes does not matter... what matter is simply that help comes in the time of need.

So the next time you are struggling with something, listen to that little voice saying “Why are you struggling? Ask for help and you will receive it.” Ask God for help. He will always help you. Even if you don’t realize it is him helping….Matthew 21:22

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”


God, help me to let go of my ego and ask for help when I need it. Help me to see that asking for help allows others to have the chance to serve you by helping me instead of seeing it as a weakness in myself, in Jesus name I pray your will be done. Amen

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