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Laughter is free medicine!!!

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." Psalm 51:12

Feeling stressed? Feeling lost? Feeling unloved and unwanted?Feeling sick? Well, then here's the cure......a dose of smiles.... at least three times a day followed by a dose of laughter in between smiles. I know this sounds crazy but what do you expect I'm writing it!

Laughter energizes your organs by elevating the input of oxygen-rich air. It stimulates the heart, lungs,muscles and boosts the endorphins that are released by the brain. It boosts the immune system and acts as a natural pain killer, it lessens depression ( face it it's hard to be depressed when your laughing ) , and it increases personal satisfaction.

Ok, to be honest, another reason I smile is because it makes people wonder what I'm up to .....and sometimes being considered a little "crazy" is a good thing. I have been known to burst into uncontrolled laughter for no apparent reason once or twice....well maybe more. The point is I totally believe that laughter is God's perfect medicine and it's free!!!!

The very first time I can remember choosing laughter instead of fear was the night my blouse caught fire.....I tried to pull off my blouse but the buttons would not give....I tried to get on the floor to roll but our dogs would not let me because they were trying to put it I jumped in the sink and splashed cold water on the fire til I put it out....not a good idea by the way.....the water pasted the burnt blouse to my burnt skin.

There were huge blisters on all of my fingers, it reminded me of that tree frog with huge bumps on the end of its toes, so I started to laugh and comment on my hands. The doctor and the nurses thought I was going into shock because I refused to cry. So to make me cry my mom's friend started to talk to me about my hair....she knew how long it took me to grow my hair to it's length....she told me it was all burned and would probably break off.....that's all it took for the tears to flow.

Recovery took weeks and daily trips to the doctor's office to have my skin peeled off and redressed. Yet in these times there was still times of laughter..... thanks to my younger brother who saw my accident as an opportunity to make some money from the neighborhood kids......he charged $.25 to see his burned up sister.....He'd bring kids in our back door and ask me to sit up so they could see my bandage!!! My mother however, did not see it quite the same and he did not make any money.

Years later I still laugh thinking about that moment..... Laughter does heal.....I healed faster because there was always laughter in my home....with four brothers and two sisters it's kind of hard not to have something to laugh at!

All my life I have smiled for no apparent's just something I do.....When I think of how blessed I am I cannot help but smile. God blessed me with an awesome family.. I am happy and content with my life....why??? because I smile and laugh daily. It's part of my daily routine.......make the bed, get dressed, do the housework, crochet, read, write, smile and laugh throughout the day.....It's the best part of my "crazy".

Next time you are feeling overwhelmed, tired, stressed, sick, or'll be surprised on how good you will feel.


God I pray you remind me of the joy of your salvation and give me a willing spirit to sustain me in my darkest moments. In the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen

Author: Bernice Barnes

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