Then Simon Peter, who was behind him, arrived and went into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head. The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen.
John 20:6-7
This sentence right here is one of the greatest clues of all times. What?? Now you probably think I’m losing it but let me explain…I admit it at first I did not see anything of significance when I read this but I read a post that someone made that gave a a totally different perspective.
It explained the significance of the ‘folded cloth’ that had been around Jesus’ head. It explained the Hebrew tradition of what the ‘folded cloth’ meant. Apparently back in the day, when a servant boy set the table for his master he would lay a folded cloth (or napkin as we call it) by the plate. When the master was done he would toss the cloth down signaling he was finished eating and the servant boy knew to clear the table. But if he folded the cloth it meant he was not done and he was coming back! Jesus was signaling the fact that He was Coming Back!!! He was Not Done Yet!!
Now unless you were Hebrew or you were aware of the tradition of the cloth you would totally miss this clue! That’s why the Roman soldiers assumed that someone stole the body! Now the disciples who went to the grave did not really see the significance of this clue either or they never would have doubted the message. It took Jesus actually coming to them for them to believe. And it took Thomas actually seeing Jesus, himself, to really believe.
John 20:29 blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
I did not see Jesus like the disciples or Mary Magdalene but I feel him in my heart and that is ok by me. I have seen miracles all around me and I have experienced them. So how could I not Believe!!! I am blessed and I pray God blesses each and every one of you.
God, I thank you for sending your son Jesus, to pay in full for my sins. I pray you help me to be the person you created me to be. I pray for the courage and words to help those in need, to hear you word and believe in you. In the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen
Author: Bernice Barnes