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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

“In Jesus Christ name”

“In Jesus and through Faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence” Ephesians 3:12


Through Jesus Christ, we can have boldness in our speech as we speak about Him, and Boldness as we live knowing that death is gain.

Through Jesus we also get access to the Father, whom we wouldn’t have access to without Jesus. Beyond that, we can come to the father Confidently in the name of Jesus because

Jesus covers us. He puts on us His protection and Victory over sin.

Through Jesus, by Faith we get great rewards.

Father in Heaven;

I am so glad that I came before YOU confidently.

Thank you for sending Jesus so that through Him I would be able to approach you.

You have been given me great things, so let me

Live boldly.

I have no one to fear but You, Lord.

You are the only one who needs to be pleased with me.

Make me confident as I live out my days for You-not for men,

so that our Almighty God is Glorified!


Our Heavenly Father; I am truly serving God who created all things, the Creator of the Universe! I surrender to You every day, In Jesus name, I pray,


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