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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and HUMBLE. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessings, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a Blessing. For whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek PEACE and pursue it.”

1 Peter 3:8-11


When we try to live our lives according to impulses inspired by pride and our egos, we are simply setting ourselves up for failure. There is no good that can ever come from thinking that we know better than God. When we try to rush for opportunities that we are not ready for, we simply end up setting ourselves up for embarrassment.

In today's world, people are used to instant gratification, they believe that they deserve to get whatever they want whenever they want it. This is not a wise way to live. When this happens, we ignore God's instructions and we choose to follow our own way instead because we believe that it is far better than the path that God has planned out for us. But this is the truth: we cannot do anything significantly meaningful without God. If we try to live our lives on our own terms it means that we are turning our backs on God. Humility means that we acknowledge God's leadership over our lives and how we are nothing without it. Humility acknowledges that on our own, we are not the super beings we think we are. If we were, we would not have needed God to save us from ourselves. When we choose to humble ourselves under God's leadership, and we choose to follow His guidance instead, we will walk in the right way. Our time of recognition or appreciation will come in due time. When it happens we will not treat it like the be all and end all of our lives because we will be fully aware of what truly matters - God and His will for our lives. When we try to rush the process, we end up delaying it because of the mistakes that we inevitably made. It is far more rewarding to let God guide you. This will also stop you from experiencing embarrassing situations that could have been avoided.


Our Father in Heaven give us wisdom to live under your will. Every day lead us with your Holy Spirit to live in harmony, humility, seeking Peace and pursing it. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!!!

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