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“Holy Spirit Take the Wheel! ”

Writer's picture: cowmama60barnescowmama60barnes

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness; gentleness and self-control…Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

Galatians 5:22-26


Spiritual Health, begins in the moment that we surrender to God. In other words, when we are baptized and receive the Holy Spirit, we receive Salvation, redemption, and a new abundant life, but we need to keep connected and develop a strong close relationship with God, driven by the Holy Spirit who is the best teacher, guide, and comforter...

Every day the Holy Spirit influences, and guides us to pray, read and meditate the Bible, understanding and applying the spiritual principles in our daily life... When we understand and apply the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives we are allowing Holy Spirit to “take the wheel”.

When you realize that the only reason why you are still standing, unscathed, with a glorious future ahead of you, is because of the mercies of God, it will humble you. If it weren’t for Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that He made for us, we would have found ourselves on the fast track to eternal damnation. The thought of that is enough to shake the strongest of hearts.

But God didn’t leave us to face the price of our sinful nature, He stepped in, sent His son who took the fall for us, and made sure that we wouldn’t have to go through such suffering. Salvation is free for all. 

Jesus in turn gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us and instill in us our unshakable faith in God. Now, as His children, we continue to wait. We eagerly await the return of Jesus Christ and the end of the devil’s reign on earth. On that day, we will see glorious things. The return of Jesus Christ is not a cause to be afraid or sorrowful. His return should make us want to dance and celebrate. Jesus is coming back for us! We have no reason to worry or fret because we are coheirs with Jesus Christ. We have a heavenly inheritance that is eternal in nature. 

The world may throw challenges our way, we may be mocked, and some of our brothers and sisters may be murdered for standing up for the gospel but none of this should shake our faith. We can sit in calm silence because we know that we are not alone, God is with us always. When people come with their taunts and challenges, we should not rise to the offense. Instead, we should remain steadfast and, patient knowing that God has got us and no matter what we may suffer on earth will be nothing in comparison to the great glory that lays ahead for God’s children.

 God has given us everything we need to endure the challenges that we may face on this earth. We have not been

abandoned or left alone to suffer. No. We have the Holy Spirit who is also known as our Comforter. He counsels us and comforts us in the times where we do not know what to do. He heals us and strengthens us in times of grief.  Though the world may try to fill our hearts with sorrow, the love of God resides within us, countering all attacks of the enemy and keeping us in a place of PEACE, HALLELUJAH!


Our Father in Heaven, thank you for sending Jesus who died and paid in full for all our sins and gave us Salvation and Eternal life!

Fill our hearts every day with the fruit of the Holy Spirit ; Love, Joy, Peace, forbearance, kindness, gentleness, and self-control. Help us to continue joyfully sharing the “Good News of Salvation” to the entire planet! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

Jose Reyes


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