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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

“Good News of Peace and Salvation”

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring the Good News, who proclaim Peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim Salvation, who say to Zion “Your God Reigns”

Isaiah 52:7


John Nash was awarded the Novel Prize for Economics in 1994, recognizing his pioneering work in mathematics. His equations have since been used for businesses around the world in understanding the dynamics of competition and rivalry. A book and a full-length movie have documented his life and refer to him as having “a beautiful mind”-not because of his brain had any particular aesthetic appeal, but because of what it did.

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah uses the word beautiful to describe feet, not because of any visible physical, attribute but because he saw beauty in what they did.

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring the Good News”

After seventy years of captivity, in Babylon resulting from their unfaithfulness to God, messengers arrived with encouraging words that God’s people would soon be returning home because “The Lord has … redeem Jerusalem”

The Good News wasn’t attributed to the military might of the Israelites or any other human effort. Rather it was the work of God’s “Holy Arm” on their behalf. The same is true today, as we have victory over our spiritual enemy through Christ’s sacrifice for us. In response, we become the messengers of Good News, proclaiming Peace, Good tidings, and Salvation to those around us. And we do so with Beautiful feet.

Who brought you the good news of Christ’s sacrifice?

To whom can you deliver that Good News?


Father in Heaven; thank you, for sending people into my life to share the good news of Christ’ sacrifice. Help me to share the Good News Joyously with others. In the name of Jesus, I pray! Amen

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