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Ruth said to Naomi: Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.  Ruth 1:16


Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here; the Lord has sent me to Bethel.”

But Elisha said, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.”  2Kings2:2


A friend loves at all times,and a brother is born for a time of adversity. Proverbs 17:17



Friends come in different sizes, nationalities, beliefs, etc. What does it mean to be a friend? What does it mean to be a true friend? What is a friend?


Ruth was Naomi’s daughter-in-law, but she also considered herself Naomi’s friend. She felt a true bond with Naomi and wanted to stay with her and help Naomi in her time of need. To me this is an example of a true friendship.


Elijah was a prophet and Elisha was his student, so when the Lord told Elijah to go to Bethel he told Elisha to stay behind but Elisha refused and when Elijah died Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. Elisha wanted to follow in Elijah’s footsteps. Elijah and Elisha were what I would consider close friends.


As for Proverbs 17:17 to me it means a friend who stands beside you even when it is inconvenient becomes family. Now that doesn’t mean that a friend has to be physically present all the time. It means someone who takes the time to check in on you, no matter how much time has passed. A friend is someone who takes the time to have a conversation, or visit, or even facetime these days just to hear your voice or see your face, or maybe even a simple text to say hello.


I have a lot of friends and I have many friends who are considered family. I don’t always keep in touch with my “family of friends” but I think about each and every one of them every day. My door is always open, my phone is always on, any time of day or night if any one of my friends is in need. I will listen, cry, comfort, laugh, or sit silently with anyone who needs me.


I also have many friends whom I have never met. All those I pray for each and every day I consider my friends. Some of them have become like family as well, even though we have never met and probably never will. I only hope that others will consider me a friend as well, and that my actions speak love and compassion to all.



Thank you God for giving me my “family of friends” and for helping me to be a “true friend” to each and every one. I pray that one day the world will see that “friendship” is what truly matters. Helping one another instead of fighting with one another, in the name of your son Jesus, may your will be done. Amen

Author: Bernice Barnes


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