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First steps start with Faith

2 Peter 1:5-8 make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.

First steps are exciting, important, sometimes unexpected and sometimes scary. Seeing a child take their first steps is a very exciting moment for the one watching but for the child it can be scary. Yet children learn to walk despite their fear they keep trying to go forward and never give up. It seems somehow the older we get the more afraid we are of taking "first steps".

Remember the first time you rode a bicycle, slid down a slide, swung in a swing, or roller skated? For me riding a bicycle for the first time was scary and not exactly without problems. I fell down more than I care to remember but each time I got back up and tried again. Swinging and sliding down a slide were a little scary but more exhilarating. Roller skating was a challenge and I never attempted ice skating because I had enough trouble staying upright on four wheels and I couldn't even stand on the blade of ice skates!

Speaking of first steps how about starting school? Most kids are excited about school because there are a lot of kids and new things to learn. This excitement and fear increases the older you get. Then you reach adulthood and college and your first job.....firsts are infinite.

Your first friend, your first date, your first broken heart, your first dance, these are all exciting and scary firsts. Some firsts last a lifetime, marriage, parenthood, and death. What about your first time of praying? Has praying lasted throughout the years or has it been put on the back burner except in emergencies? What about faith??? When was the first time you had faith in God? Has that faith lasted throughout the years? Has it grown with you or has it faded with age?

I am the first to admit that I have not taken enough "first steps" in my lifetime. There have been numerous times when I, like many others decided to stay right where I was and not step forward or out of my comfort zone.

It seems the older I get the more I desire to take "first steps" regardless of the fear of the unknown. My faith is the first thing I decided to start taking "first steps" in and I am so glad I did. I make it a point to add to my faith on a daily basis regardless of what people think or say. I still have a long way to go but I know that God is guiding me and I have Faith that he will help me through whatever comes up.

It's amazing how taking "first steps" becomes easier once you decide to start taking them. I see the world a lot differently than I used to. I know that we live in a broken world but I also know that I am only visiting and some day when it is my time, I will go home where I belong. So I continue to pray and do what God wants me to do while I am here. Why??? Because I am looking forward to my last "first step" when I finally get to go home and be with my Father.


God, thank you for guiding me in all my 'first steps'. I pray that you will continue to guide me as I continue to take 'first steps' throughout my lifetime. Give me the wisdom, courage, and faith to never stop taking 'first steps' as you lead me back home to you, in the name of your son, Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen

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