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Writer's picture: cowmama60barnescowmama60barnes

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future. then you will call on me and come and PRAY to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:11-13


Every New year, there are Plans, goals... it is a new beginning, a chance to start over! A time for resolutions to be made...

We think about more exercise, a better diet, getting healthy...but, what about Renewing our FAITH, HOPE and LOVE to develop a closer relationship with GOD, spending more time on prayer, on picking up the Bible more often?

Spending time Praying for wisdom, understanding and Guidance...

Spending time in meditating the scriptures...

Spending time sharing the Gospel...

Spending time sharing our Personal Testimony...

Putting our TRUST and HOPE in GOD, focusing more on What he said about our future...

God has Plans to prosper us...Wonderful Plans...


He gives us HOPE and a FUTURE!!!

But we need to spend time, with HIM... intentional time. In order for God’s plan to work we must do our part and put in the work to accomplish the plan.

Everyday take time to pray, stay connected with our creator by having a conversation with him, expressing all your feelings, thoughts, and challenges, your grief, fears, pains, and worries, etc. Express yourself freely... He promises to listen and answer us...

If we put our Plans, new resolutions, and goals in His Hands...putting in the work needed, accepting His answer and living under His will the plans he has for us will be fulfilled...

We’ll see GOD’s intervention, Miracles! Wonders! Blessings! and many answered prayers... even more than in the last decades; more than we could ever imagine...

So, let’s enter on 2025 with renewed FAITH, HOPE and TRUST in our Heavenly Father!


Father in Heaven thank you! for all the answered prayers, miracles, wonders, healings, protection, and blessings you sent us during 2024! Renew our FAITH, HOPE, and TRUST, in you. We are grateful that you have PLANS for our FUTURE. We want to be closer to you during the next year and in years to come. Renew our strength and guide us with your Spirit to continue joyfully, devoutly working for you, sharing the Gospel to all the people. All the GLORY, HONOR and PRAISE is yours, as always in JESUS’ name we Pray your will be done. Amen!

Jose Reyes.


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