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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

“Divine Grace”

For the law was given through Moses; Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. John 1:17


God is good and that will never change. It is who He is. Time and time again we are reminded in the Bible, God's Word, that his mercy is everlasting. It will never run out, it will never forsake us. God's mercy is there for us every single day. It is because of God's mercy, we have the confidence in Him that we have. God's word will always reign supreme for eternity. As God's children, we are automatic recipients of his goodness and mercy, no matter what comes our way. We have a confidence inside of us that can never be found anywhere else. People in the world continue to search for this confidence in many places and in many ways, but they are unable to find it. It can only be found through the word of God.

Our hearts are filled with assurance as a result of what the word of God tells us. The word of God tells us that we are secure in the hands of God. We are told that all things will work out for the good of them who love God. We are told of how we have been justified and glorified thanks to Jesus Christ. We are told, repetitively, to never fear, for God is with us. People will always try to say things to doubt the existence of God, or to doubt how genuine God's love is, but none of these words will ever be true. They will never measure up to what God says. God's word will reign for generations to come, and all who stop to hear and accept His goodness, in the form of Jesus Christ, will be promised life eternal. As Christians, we should never be blindsided by the lies the enemy will try to fill our minds with. We know whose word is true and it definitely is not the word of Satan. God's goodness, love, mercy and his truth will never die. They will go from everlasting to everlasting. We always have a reason to rejoice because of the life of Christ that is within us. We are heavenly protected and led by the Spirit of God. For as long as we remain in the shelter of God, the Most High, we will continue to marvel at the great things of God.


Gracious and Merciful Father in Heaven, thank you for your grace, your Mercy and for sending Jesus, who paid in full for all our sins, giving us Salvation and Everlasting Life!!! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!!!

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