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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

“Crying out to the LORD”

Then Moses cried out to the LORD, “What am I to do with this people?”

Exodus 17:4

But when they cried out to the LORD, He raised up for them a Deliverer…

Judges 3:9


Times of desperation come from time to time in life. Sometimes it's a school test, or it can be something as grave as waiting to hear the results of a surgery. Whatever it is, it can be overwhelming, and even those of us who struggle in our relationship with God can’t help but cry out and call upon His mighty name. When our hearts are filled with fear or dread or even anxious hope, crying out to God may feel like the only thing we can do, the only option on our plate. We are not alone in this. The Bible is filled with stories of people crying out to God in desperation and hopelessness. There is one important truth that we must know about these cries, these outpourings of emotion, and that is that God hears them. He hears each and every one. God heard Moses’ cry of anguish in Exodus 17:3-7 and he heard His people’s cry to deliver them in Judges 3:9-11, and he hears you whenever you cry out in great need. In fact, He wants His children to cry out and call on His name when great burdens weigh on our hearts. When we are unsure what to say to God, he sends His Holy Spirit to intercede for us with what is on our hearts. It is important to know that there is a difference between our cries to God and our prayers. In prayer, we bring many things to God all at once, emptying our hearts before His throne, listening to what He has to say to us. In our time of crying out God comes to us when we are so overcome with emotion that we can’t help but call on him without thought and sometimes without words.


Our Heavenly Father, thank you, for listening to us and answering our prayers and cries for help even when we don’t have the words. Thank you for filling our hearts with PEACE, JOY, and COMFORT in our times of need, In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

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