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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

“Chosen People”

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. “

1 Peter 2:9


We live in uncertain dangerous times: many would say that today, a new ‘dark age’ has befallen much of the world. War, pollution, Pandemics, Massacres, diseases...There is so much darkness that it can be easy to not notice the light…

However, is today any darker than the days of Sodom and Gomorrah? Has the light of salvation stop shining as divinely as it did in those times?

God did not change how brightly the light shined, no, it was the people that chose to ignore it and be blind to it. Today, there are challenges to a person’s faith everywhere, just as it was in Lot’s time: sex, drugs, violence...any type of sin that you can imagine seems to be commonplace in the society that we are currently living in. There are times when I forget how the light of the Lord never ceases to shine.

For those who have chosen to accept Jesus Christ and trust God, we have a responsibility to shine forth in the darkness, as a new nation of light, not limited by geography and distance, but instead brought together by faith. Prayer: Lord God Almighty, help us realize how blessed we are, to bask in and be warmed by your eternal light. Grant us the strength to shine brightly as an example to others, so that with our words and deeds we may help spread your light, especially at the darkest hours. Lord we humbly ask that you use us as a vessels for others, so that they may see you as we do. Please God, use us through our actions, to show others that we are all chosen to shine, and together we can change the darkness to light.

We pray all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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