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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

“Children “

Jeremiah 15:15

Lord, you understand;remember me and care for me.


When we pray is God really listening us? Does He understand and care?

God is not a distant God, who looks at us as if we are His creation and nothing more. God is our Father. He sees us as His children and He knows every single one of us by name. Think about it. The Almighty God, who created the heavens, the earth, and the entire universe, is concerned about you. He doesn’t see you as another figure on the face of the earth. He sees you as his own and He is concerned about everything that has to do with you and your life. We should find it comforting to know that we belong to a loving Father who is concerned about everything about us. This is what sets Christianity aside from every other form of religion and belief system. It is the thing that many, who have denounced the gospel, fail to understand. Non-believers are unable to comprehend that such an Almighty God would go to the ends of the earth for the beings He created. It is a foreign concept to those who live their lives according to their human nature, which is devoid of God. But as Christians we know that we do not belong to a faraway God. We belong to a God who knows the number of hairs on our heads. When we are in pain, He feels it and he desires to make us feel better. When we grow in His word, He rejoices and continues to push us on. We belong to a God who has spoken so many words of assurance and belonging into our lives, we can never doubt his stance toward us. God loved us before we even knew of His love and what it meant. He knew of our existence long before our parents met. And he continues to spend every day reaching out to those who do not know Him, while loving and raising the children who have come to accept salvation. Never allow anyone to let you think that you serve a distant God. That couldn’t be any further from the truth .You belong to the Almighty God and He sees you as His child. He sees you as His own.


Our heavenly Father; thank you for; listening, understanding and taking good care of us, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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