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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” Psalm 34:18

A Father to the Fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his Holy dwelling. Psalm 68:5


There are certain things that connect all humans, regardless of where they are from or what they believe. Suffering and pain is felt by all of us. Perhaps it is most evident, during childbirth. Life is brought into the world but in doing so, there is suffering. There are times when there is so much suffering and uncertainty that surrounds us, it is easy to lose hope. It is easy to be impatient.

Do not forget that God hears our prayers and has seen our suffering! He sent His only son to endure the same. The Holy Spirit dwells inside of each and every one of us, emboldening us to endure. It is important to rejoice in the strength and hope that the Holy Spirit instills in all of us.

We are all one, united in more ways than we realize. The world may seem so divided, but do we not all enter it in the same way? Does every mother not suffer and endure the hardships of labor while grasping onto hope? The Lord has not forgotten us. He has not abandoned us. He has shown us, in every way imaginable, that He understands and loves us. When you pray, do you pray for that which you already have? Or do you hold onto hope, knowing that the reward in asking for something that you do not have and also do not fully understand is worth being patient for? Paul certainly realized this. The Apostles, on this day, realized this. Now, we must realize it. Prayer:

Almighty God, I rejoice in knowing that I am not alone! I pray with all of my heart, that all of my brothers and sisters on Earth may know that they are not alone. We are so indebted to you, O Lord, for you have been patient when we have not. You have given us hope when we have forgotten it. On this day I ask, merciful Father, that you grant me the wisdom, courage, and the patience, to be renewed by the Holy Spirit. In this way, my God, I will be closer to all those around me, knowing that we are one: one in suffering, one in hope, and one in you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!

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