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“Blizzard of the Mind”

“In you, LORD my GOD, I put my TRUST… Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and TEACH me, for you are God my Savior, and my Hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:1, 4, 5


If you have never been in a blizzard, you might not know just how powerful swirling snow can be. Your vision becomes obstructed, and not just at long distances. The familiar becomes unrecognizable to the point that you might not even notice you are walking two feet from a barn that could provide you with shelter. David, who wrote Psalm 25, was in a sort of blizzard of the mind, facing so many difficulties that it was impossible to see things clearly. Not knowing where to find shelter from this storm, David looks to God for freedom from the difficulties that afflicted his mind. He knew that God has committed Himself to instructing his children. Since He sees all things, He is able to give us insight into our situation when we wait on Him. When the Lord delivers his insight (sometimes right away, sometimes after waiting for a long time), we are often surprised by it. We may come to God expecting vengeance against the ones that hurt us, but instead received a reminder from the Spirit that vengeance is God’s. Whatever our trouble is, God provides us guidance and watches over us like a parent watches over their children. Knowing this makes the blizzard a lot less scary. God has not only given us His truth, but promised to teach us how to apply that truth in our daily life . There’s been a lot of talk in the modern age about spending time calling for something to be done on social media rather than actually doing something. Even as Christians, it’s easy to feel good about ourselves for sharing God’s word with others and testifying about our faith on the internet. Is it enough? Jesus said that, to the watching world, believers should be like salt and light of the world. If you add salt to soup, no one can deny the improvement in taste. If you bring a lamp into a dark room, darkness will flee. Everyone shows their personal belief and priorities by the way they live their lives. Our character, conduct, and even our conversations should reflect the necessity of Christ and make a clear statement about the glory of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we are filled with a hope to have an impact on the world, a good place to start is by studying the scriptures. Studying the lives of Abraham, Moses, Daniel, David, Mary, Esther and others teaches us to learn from their mistakes, by the ways they coped with difficulties and how they interacted with the Lord. The Biblical accounts also show us that our Father in Heaven has goals for our lives, and that He wants us to be like Christ


Thank you Father in Heaven for Guiding us in this, “Blizzard”, these dangerous times. Renew every day our Faith, Trust and Hope, to continue share the “Good News of Salvation”. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!

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