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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man, is POSSIBLE with GOD” Luke 18:27 (NIV)


This has to be one of the most motivating Bible verses in the word of God. It sums up our Christian walk. In our own power, there are many things that we can consider to be impossible. But when we are with God, absolutely nothing is impossible. The Bible is filled with so many instances where God turned the impossible into the more-than-possible.

Abraham and Sarah were unable to conceive a child. They were both very old and neither of them was fertile. But when they encountered God, they received life in their loins and Abraham became the Father of many nations - starting with his own children.

When the Israelites were escaping from Egypt, they found themselves in front of the Red Sea. I'd like you to think about this for a moment. The Israelites were not in front of a pond or a river they could wade through. They weren't even in front of a lake. The Israelites were faced with an entire sea. What did God do for them? He parted the sea in two and held it until every single one of the Israelites had crossed safely. It is very clear that that sea was not crossed in a day. Think of the great expanse. But God kept it open until they were on the other side!

Jesus Christ was conceived through a virgin and the Spirit of God. This is a feat that still leaves many intellectuals dumbfounded in this day and age. "It's impossible!" one would cry. Not with God, my friend. When God intervenes, all protocols are broken.

Through God and His wonder-working power the dead have been raised, barren wombs have been with child, addictions and chains have been broken, lives have been restored, and people have received miracle provision. It is through God, the fate of our eternity was redeemed.

When you think of the numerous times that God has turned the impossible into a moment of possibility, you should become confident. There is nothing too big for God to handle. Look at who you are talking about! He is the God who created the heavens, the earth, and the Universe! He knows every star by name. That same God is your Father and He holds your life in His hands. You have no reason to accommodate doubt in your heart. Whenever you are faced by any situation that may appear to be impossible, smile and remember the God whom you call your Father!


Our all Powerful Father in heaven, thank you for loving us, for perform many awesome miracles…answered prayers… help us to share our personal testimony…Spread the “Good News” Your; Hope, Grace and Love, to everyone. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!

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