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A Mother's - Mothers Day

Mothers Never Retire

A mother is a mother from the day she conceives. From being a mother there is no reprieve. You work and you toil from morning to night.

You worry and fret to make everything right. You dream of the day when children are all grown and gone. Then there'll be the peace for which you have longed. But alas, all your plans have gone back to dreams for being a mother is more than it seems. A mother is a mother even after she's gone. Even though she's not there her lessons live on ~

Bernice Barnes

The month of May is known for “Mothers Day”. It is the one day of the year we celebrate the person who brought us into this world. But for me May is the month I celebrate my children who made me a mother. It’s a time I reflect on each and every one of their births. I remember the moment I first held them in my arms, the smell of their skin and hair, their look of peace as they slept. I remember their first steps and first words and I remember the endless stories that were read every night before they went to sleep. These are the cherished memories. These are the moments I am most grateful to them for.

Not all the memories are as pleasant as these precious moments but I am grateful for them as well. The first time I had to tell them no, the first time I had to discipline them for something they did wrong. The first time I quarreled with them as teenagers. The many times we argued and fought. Yes these are not as happy as the first but they are just as important to me. They are the times my children taught me that I was not just their mom, their provider, their protector, their teacher, their enemy, I was human too.

But even though life was not perfect, and I was not perfect, they gave me something I could not have experienced any other way. They gave me love even when they were angry with me or not speaking to me, or even calling me mom. Deep down there is a bond between us that can never be broken or destroyed. It is there forever and for that I am eternally grateful to each and every one of my children. Even to my son that I never got to hold or say I love you to. He knows I loved him and he watches from heaven every day and I feel his love as much as I feel his sisters love.

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

Even God said children should honor their parents and Jesus honored his mother and both his fathers, Joseph, the earthly father who raised him and God who was his father.

So, for this mother, Mother’s Day is about my children and my hopes for them and their children. That’s what being a mother is to me, regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the situation, A mother is a mother from the day she conceives. From being a mother there is no reprieve… A mother is a mother even after she’s gone. Even though she’s not there her lessons live on.

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