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“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you REST. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find REST for your SOULS. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30


Just for a moment – before you continue to read – close your eyes and listen…

hear JESUS saying to you, "Come to me, and I will give you REST, PEACE, JOY, HEALING…!”

Did you do it? Or did you just keep reading to see what I was going to say next? If you did what I asked, how did you feel? Could you feel your shoulders relaxing , your breathing slow down, your heart beating steadily? 

There is a story that circulates the internet every once in a while, about the man who always stops at the tree outside his home and touches it when he returns from work and then again in the morning before he heads off. When asked what that was all about, he says that he leaves the cares of the day at the tree instead of carrying them into his home or to work so that he can be at peace at work and in his home and with his family. 

Jesus is telling us today, that he is willing to shoulder our load all the time, not just at the end of a sometimes frustrating and often tiring day. He willingly takes on our burdens.

Why is it that we think we have to go it alone?

I know some very caring people who will go out of their way to help a stranger, the same way they would a friend. However, they never think that someone would be willing to help them and so they struggle alone...

It’s too bad that we think that the "buddy system" is only for children. Have you not noticed that children in a line always go two by two? Why shouldn’t adults?Look around you. There are those who need someone to PRAY for them, to HELP them carry their burdens, and there are those who will gladly pray for you and help you to carry yours…

Jesus is inviting us. Jesus is always willing to be our ‘buddy’, who walks with us and is there for us in all our daily adventures and will give us Rest by taking on our burdens. All he asks is that we ask him to come along.


Lord JESUS, thank you for Saving, Loving, Healing, and giving us Peace and Rest. When we feel burdened, may we turn to you, for you are more than ready to help us carry our cross...

Everyday Renew and Refresh our souls and bodies to continue inviting everyone to come to you our Savior and Comforter. In Jesus’ name. Amen.!

Jose Reyes

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