It is at this time of year that my heart goes out to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Imagine being pregnant with a child when you did not engage with any man, then marrying a man who loves you and takes on the burden of a child he had no physical connection to and literally running for your life to escape the laws directed at women at that period of time. Life was not easy for her even after she married Joseph.
She was hunted, exhausted, most of the time traveling and constantly doing her best to protect the child she was carrying. How did she do it? How did Joseph do it…simple Mary trusted God and her trust rubbed off onto Joseph. Joseph came to trust God because Mary trusted him completely.
Imagine, raising a child of God! This is not just any ordinary baby she was carrying and going to raise. This was the child of God, there is no other explanation for the series of events that took place. I know how hard it is to raise a child being a mother myself as many of the women reading this know too. Raising a child has it’s up and downs and a lot of it is trial and error along the way. But imagine if you were raising a child that was destined to save the world. Imagine if you were raising a child that you knew was one day going to be hated and hunted by those with power.
How can my heart not go out to Mary, yes she was blessed and protected by God but she still loved her child and only wanted him to have the best even though she had been warned when she took Jesus to the temple.
“ Simeon blessed them but then said to Mary, “A sword shall pierce your soul, for this child shall be rejected by many in Israel, and this to their undoing. But he will be the greatest joy of many others. And the deepest thoughts of many hearts shall be revealed.” Luke 2:34-35
She was blessed by God but she was also a mother….that’s why my heart goes out to Mary at this time of year and at the hour of her loss.
Lord, I pray for Mary for protecting, delivering, and raising Jesus to save me. Thank you for blessing her and Joseph and their other children. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to know your son and to trust in you and as always I pray your will be done. Amen
Bernice Barnes