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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


A smile travels across the face

as the memory crosses the mind

peace, happiness, and contentment

overtake the moment in all

space and time.

Love comes in many forms,

shapes and sizes

never the same,

always different and new.

Like a summer breeze

or the morning dew.

Love for a neighbor, love for a friend,

love for a stranger, love for creatures

great and small.

Love for life

love for the love of all..

Love for the moment

love of the game

love forever

love without a name.

Love comes in many forms,

shapes and sizes

never the same,

always different and new.

Like a summer breeze

or the morning dew.

Love does come in many forms, the love you have for your parents and family, the love you have for your spouse, the love you have for nature, but the greatest love was the Love of Jesus who paid the ultimate price for our lives....death on the cross for "our sins" not his. Jesus had no sin, he is pure because he is the Son of God.

The love of God is unmeasurable, unconditional, and infinitely forever. God shows his love in many ways.....beautiful sunrises and sunsets, birds flying and singing, whales jumping in the ocean, cats snuggling and purring, dogs wagging their tails begging for belly rubs or ear scratches....all this is God's love being shown to us. Whether it's a beautiful flower, a majestic tree, a wonderous mountain, or breathtaking waterfall, it's all love.

Sometimes our world gets dark and scary, violence rages throughout the world, countries fighting one another for whatever reasons and we tend to focus on the 'bad' things instead of the 'good things. We tend to emphasize the 'hate' in the world instead of the 'love' in the world.

In a small way this poem reminds us that despite all the 'bad' things happening in the world there are still 'good' things too.

We just have to take the time to look for them and be aware of them. Focus on God's love all around you instead of all the bad.

Remeber to breathe....take in the moments....enjoy the memories... be kind to one another....and love each breath you take. Because that breath is God's love for you.

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