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Writer's picture: cowmama60barnescowmama60barnes

How many of us think, I mean really think, about what we say before we say it? Do you think about the impact your words may have on whoever you are talking to? Do you consider the impact your words will have on you? Do your words always uplift people? Do you refrain from speaking when you are angry or upset? My guess is no.....most of us, myself included, have the bad habit of speaking our mind regardless of the outcome.

I have a saying that everyone who knows me has heard...."If you don't want the truth don't ask the question." Sometimes the truth hurts and it is not what the person asking expects.....thus the warning. But there are different ways to express yourself. You can be a person who uplifts others or a person who destroys others.

Growing up I had both in my mother was an explosive type of person. She said whatever was on her mind and most of the time she shouted it angrily. Then she would calm down and talk with compassion. My father talked quietly, unless you did something wrong and then he would only shout one word...... your name! When he did that you knew you had gone too far and needed to cease immediately.

I always went to my father with my questions, mainly because he never made me feel stupid for asking questions and he answered them honestly and made me think things through.

There was a point in my life when I developed the habit of saying things without thinking. I saw the worst in everyone and everything. I was always negative and my words were always negative. I earned the name of Aunt NoNo from my first niece.....I had a lot of indoor plants around the house and she always wanted to tear the leaves off and some were not good for her so I would tell her "No No don't touch that." thus I became Aunt NoNo.....The name then became Grandma Nono when my grandchildren came along. I still have that name even though most of them are grown with children of their own. That's ok, I earned that name and it is a reminder of who I was. It helps me to remember that words matter. Words are powerful and they can change lives.

Today I make it a habit to watch what I say and think about how it will effect other people. I am not so quick to judge others. I remind myself with Matthew 7:1 " Do not judge, or you too will be judged" and Luke 6:37 " Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Now before I answer someone I think about what and how I will answer. I admit sometimes I don't think enough and things just seem to go from my mind to my mouth without any stop in between. Usually that doesn't end well.......

Sometimes silence, reflection, and prayer are more needed than words. I pray everyday for God to give me the words to uplift and encourage others. I pray for compassion and empathy for all. Some days it is not easy...... some days I just keep silent and ponder what I'm supposed to say.

God guides me along the way and I trust that he has great things planned for me. He made me wait until today to write this. I tried yesterday but for some reason I erased my work three times before I got God's message that it was not the time to write my blog.

Today has gone well and though I have rambled on like a lunatic it is good.....I haven't erased anything this whole time! That's God's sign that all is well. So with that in mind I shall say, take care of yourself and others. Love others and most important love yourself.


God, give me the wisdom to choose my words wisely, to speak them with compassion, and love. Remind me to smile, laugh and live life to it's fullest. Sharing your love through my actions as well as my words, in the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen

Author: Bernice Barnes


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