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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

Why me??

Have you ever had a moment where you wondered "Why me?". Since the beginning of time humans have experienced "why me" moments. That moment when you wonder why something happened to you or why you lost a loved one. Maybe losing a job or failing a test. Or maybe its a good moment like a new life beginning or surviving some type of disaster. "Why me" moments can be positive or negative in our every day life.

Look at Noah in Genesis 6, here God tells Noah of his plan to destroy everything on the earth but He has decided to save Noah and his family and instructs him to build an ark and gather all the animals two by two to preserve the world. I'm sure Noah wondered if just for a moment "why me?" but because of his great faith in God he did as God commanded.

Then there's Moses in Exodus 3, where he encounters the burning bush and for just a moment he wonders why the bush is not consumed by the flames and then he heard the voice of God telling him ,"You must lead my people out of Egypt." Moses responds with"Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people out of Egypt?" This was Moses' "why me" moment. Moses protests several times to God but God persists and Moses ends up agreeing to save the people of Israel.

Now for me the most impacting "why me" moment is with Mary in Luke1: 28-38. " Don't be afraid,Mary, for you have found favor with God! You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High." Can you just imagine the shock of such news? I'm sure Mary wondered "why me?" She even says in Luke 1:34 "But how can this happen? I am a virgin." In the end she states in Luke 1:38 "I am the Lord's servant. May everything you have said about me come true."

Then of course there's her intended, Joseph. I can only imagine what must have gone through his mind when he heard the news. At first Joseph decides not to disgrace Mary and plans to break their engagement quietly. In Matthew 1:20, he is visited by an angel of the Lord who assures him that the child is indeed holy and Mary has been faithful to him in all aspects. This is definitely Joseph's "why me and why her?" moment. His faith in God sees him through and he marries Mary and raises Jesus as his son. So as you can see there have always been "why me" moments throughout time.

Now when I experience those "why me" moments, I ask myself another question "Why not me? What makes me different than Mary or Moses or Noah? They all had "why me moments" but they continued on their path towards God despite the questions. Then I continue on my path knowing that God knows what he is doing. He is always looking out for me and guiding me through life on my journey "Home". I completely trust that He is always thinking of my good and He will get me through anything that comes along.

Now, I look forward to the "why me moments" and no longer waste my time questioning the circumstances or situations that appear. Instead I focus on embracing , learning and cherishing them.


Lord, may all my "Why me?" moments be kind ones and may God's love and compassion always guide me through them. May my life be abundantly blessed and may I cherish every moment because they were created by you for me to learn, trust and become closer to you. In the name of your son Jesus, I pray your will be done. Amen

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