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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

Spiritual Freedom

Several years ago I wrote a blog called 'Finally Unashamed'. I realize today that not only am I finally unashamed but I am spiritually free from that shame. I finally forgave myself for the sins that God had already forgiven me for and that my friend is spiritual freedom.

There is a saying in this country that "Freedom is not Free" and that is true with spiritual freedom as well. Freedom comes at a cost.... in some countries it comes with the cost of ones life... spiritual freedom comes with the cost of self examination and taking responsibility for our mistakes and asking for forgiveness. Our spiritual freedom came at the cost of Jesus' life.

"He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1John 4: 9-10

If God loved me so much that he was willing to sacrifice his son for my soul who am I to say I am not worthy of it? If I reject this sacrifice then Jesus' death would be for nothing. Jesus saved me from death and I owe it to him to live my life the way he shows me how to live. How can I do that???? The only way I can show God how much I appreciate his love and sacrifice is to be the best person I can be and spread his love for everyone to all who will listen to me.

Will I make some bad choices?..... probably..... will I stumble and not to what God has planned for me?...... maybe.... but even if I do I know that God will forgive me and guide me to the right path as long as I admit my mistakes and ask for help to do what is right. That is spiritual freedom..... the freedom of knowing that no matter what God will forgive me and help me to get back on the right path. Freedom of knowing that no matter what God loves me and there is nothing I can do that would ever change that!

To me this prayer is God speaking to me. This prayer is for anyone who believes in a "higher power" whether God, Judah, Johovah, Allah or whatever. There is only one God and he has many names. And there is only one son of God and he is Jesus. And God is most definitely worth the price of spiritual freedom at any cost!

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