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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes

“Rooted in Love ”

”So that Jesus Christ may dwell in your hearts through Faith, and I pray that you being rooted and established in Love.” Ephesians 3:17


There is no Christian walk without the love of God. The love of God is the epicenter of Christianity. It is the love of God that led to salvation. Out of God's love, He gave up his son, Jesus Christ, so that He could stand in our place and take all the consequences for the sin we were born into.

It is love that compelled Jesus Christ to walk on this earth and reach out to the oppressed, the overlooked, and the maltreated. Love compelled Jesus Christ to heal those who were struck down by infirmities and lifelong ailments. Without love, we wouldn't have a chance on this earth. Love kept Christ focused on the mission ahead of Him, even after he'd been betrayed, abandoned, beaten, and mocked.

Any other person would have retaliated or given up long in advance. Not Jesus. There were times Jesus would enter a city and he would be mocked and reduced to being seen as the "carpenter's son". There were times where Jesus was called demonic. People threatened to kill him on a regular basis. He was looked down upon but he never let any of it phase Him. Even on the cross, when He was in an excruciating amount of pain, He managed to plead for forgiveness on behalf of the people who supported his crucifixion. In the face of torture, Christ did not think of himself. He thought of the souls in front of him.

The love of God has the power to transform the darkest hearts in the world. It has the power to heal lifelong wounds and restore broken hearts. The love of God breaks through fortified barriers, and touch the coldest hearts. When we, walk with - "the love of God" - in our hearts and minds, we become an unstoppable force. When we refuse to allow malice into our hearts, and we choose to love everyone around us, things begin to change. Lives change for the better. Families are brought back together. Most importantly, people see Christ in us. It is the love we express that will teach people what to expect when they hear of the love of God. We are the ones who show them what it means to love God. We are their first point of reference, an example of God's love. This is why we need to be rooted and established in love. It is the only way we are going to be able to share God's word and love with others.


Our Father in Heaven, Thank you for loving us. Help us, every day to increase our Faith and Love, and to share it with others through our words and Actions. In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen!

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