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“Receive Peace”

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you”

Luke 24:36


After the Jesus’ Crucifixion, and His Amazing Resurrection His disciples were living in fear of persecutions, and death. They were confused and afraid; they didn’t know what to do.

They didn’t have Peace.

Actually the world is living in chaos; people have all kinds of struggles… The bigger the city, town, or neighborhood, the more problems, crime, etc. This in turn causes more stress and anxiety.

People today are like Jesus’ disciples. They are living scared, overstressed, anxious, lost, and looking desperately for an escape and release from the pain and fear.

There are all kinds of therapies, relaxation techniques, meditations, etc. to help with the stress, anxiety, depression and pain. Every day, when we are praying, reading the Bible, and worshiping we are doing the best therapy known to man…

Cast all your cares into God’s hands. Listen carefully, and wait PATIENTLY, and receive the Message from Jesus “PEACE be with you”

The PEACE of Jesus is SPECIAL indeed! It surpasses all understanding…

By staying connected with God, you will receive this PEACE daily!


Father in heaven thank you for taking good care of us and giving us PEACE through Jesus, and for renewing our FAITH, and TRUST in you to cast all our cares into your hands.

We want to be closer to you and continue to invite everyone to accept your son Jesus as their personal savior!

In His name we pray. Amen!

Author: Jose Reyes

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