Have you ever trained for running a marathon? Well, I never have but I know that it takes a lot of discipline and hard work.... Personally, I'm not a "running" type of person, I'm more like the tortoise than the hare when it comes to getting somewhere.... especially now a days. But I do know people who love to run and train for marathons and races. I admire their dedication and enthusiasm. My nephews were in cross country in high school, and they love going on hikes and rock climbing. I love the "idea" of the great outdoors and the excitement of the challenge but that's as far as my enthusiasm and training for these activities goes. I like a nice walk in the park or on the beach and occasionally in the woods as much as the next person, but I am not an "outdoor" person by any means. I don't like snakes, insects, especially bees, wasps, and basically anything that bites or stings me.
I also admire those who exercise regularly. It takes discipline to go to the gym or work out at home and I admire that. In my younger years I exercised also.... not all the time but often. I know exercise is good for your body, but I am just not that kind of person. My exercise is walking or writing, or crocheting. I exercise my mind more than my body and for me that works. I may not be able to run a marathon or walk a mile but I enjoy life and I do what I can.
But there is one exercise I am really excited about doing and I am fully committed to seeing it through! What could that be you say??? Well, I am excited about "walking in peace". Yes I said "walking" but it's not what you think. When I walk in peace is when I consciously decide to accept being wrong sometimes. It's when I decide not to respond to negativity with anger but walk away instead. It's when I decide not to respond to insults with insults of my own, but rather with love. Now if you think that this is easy and does not take any type of discipline or training you are completely wrong!
When you are stuck in traffic and people start blowing their horn at you what is your first response? Do you just sit there calmly and ignore those around you or do you become irritated and aggravated at those blowing their horn? Or when you are at the store and the check-out lines are all full and you are stuck behind someone who has a cart full of items and a fist full of coupons for everything, do you calmly stand there with a smile on your face waiting your turn or do you get irritated and tap your foot or cross your arms in disgust? We could all use a little training and discipline in "peace walking".
Peace doesn't just come to you.....it's not just something that mysteriously appears.....you actually have to actively work at peace.... Peace is a choice and with choices come action. We have to choose to be at peace in the most irritating circumstances, whether that be waiting in a long line, waiting in the waiting room of a hospital, walking into a scary situation, or sometimes just getting out of bed not knowing if you would have a job that day. Sometimes walking in peace is the hardest thing you will ever have to do. It is something that we have to actively work at every day but when we walk in peace there is a joy that cannot be found any where else. When you walk in peace you are always in good company ......you are never alone..... when you actively seek peace "bumps in the road" become just that "bumps in the road" .
I haven't always walked in peace and I'll be honest I was always doubtful and angry at life. I felt I had to do everything myself and I refused to let anyone help me with anything! I was rarely happy but I never let anyone know I was hurting. I was not at peace at all. But when I began actively seeking peace and walking in peace my whole life changed. I can only explain it by saying that no matter what comes along I can now face it by walking in peace and knowing that I am not alone in my struggles and that I am loved no matter what happens. By walking in peace I have chosen to live life to its fullest.
How do I walk in peace you ask? Well, I pray every morning before I start my day.....I talk to God all day long......more importantly I take "moments" throughout the day and just listen to what God is trying to say to me. There is no excuse for not having a conversation with God and there is no excuse not taking the time to listen to God. We all have the time....we just choose to do other things instead... Now I must admit for me this was not easy at first because like most of us I had a million excuses why I didn't have time for this......but then I realized that just wasn't true......God doesn't care when or how we pray or talk to him, just that we do.....so for me I talk to God when I wake up....when I take a shower...when I'm crocheting or cooking or doing laundry. I do my best listening when I sleep, that's when God speaks to me because that's when my mouth is shut and my mind is recharging not going wild with ideas.
So no matter how busy you are or what you have going on remember to take time to "walk in peace" and choose to seek peace in all circumstances. I hope that you take the challenge to do your own Peace Marathon, I promise it will change your life for the better.... it did mine.
Until next time may God bless you abundantly and keep you safe.