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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


Updated: Oct 18, 2023

When you think of miracles what comes to mind? Miracles come in all shapes and sizes . Miracles are something that cannot be explained with words or science. Miracles happen every day all over the world. The one thing that they all have in common is that they cannot be explained.

The bible has many miracles..... In John 6:10 Jesus fed 10,000 people with 2 fishes and a few loaves of bread. I wonder if all of those 10,000 people were true believers before they were fed?

Sometimes we think that in order for something to be a miracle it has to have results immediately, for instance in Mark 10:52 a blind man sees, not in a few days but immediately and in Acts 3:7 A lame man walks....not after months of physical therapy or numerous surgeries but immediately.

For others miracles are events that occur where there is no scientific explanantion....In John 9:1 a man born blind receives his sight instantly. God's miracles were happening long before Jesus was even born.... In Exodus 14:21-29 Moses raised his staff and the Red Sea parted allowing the Israelites to cross on dry land to the other side and then by lowering his staff the Egyptians were swept away by the same sea. In Genesis 18: 10-15 we hear of Sarah's conception of Isaac at an advanced age without intervention of a doctor. Her time for conception had long passed away but yet she still conceived and gave birth.

The miracles Jesus performed have never been denied throughout the ages. Many tried to disprove or explain them but failed. They are true miracles. In Luke 22: 50-51 An amputated ear is restored without surgery! Simply by Jesus reattaching the ear with his hand.

You may say, yeah that all happened way back then but there are no miracles today.... In our world, broken as it may be, many things happen that are not good....tornadoes, earthquakes, monsoons, shootings, and terrorist strikes, but even in these horrible times there are miracles. People are found alive in tornadoes, earthquakes, and monsoons when it appears there will be no survivors. People survive shootings and terrorists strikes for no apparent reason other than divine intervention.

Heroes and heroines are miracles that God places in path of people who are in need of help that is not available by any other means.....So when you think that miracles are a thing of the past......think again my friends......just listen to the news at all the horrible things that are happening and then look beyond the headlines and look for the good in all of the bad.....the survivors or the heroes or the love that these terrible things bring out in the worst of times.....the love that pours out from the world that we don't see on a daily basis.....there is your miracle.....

Miracles are everywhere, every day, always, you just have to look for them and accept them for what they are.....miracles. Still think there are no miracles? Well look in the mirror and you will see


Thank you God for the many miracles you give us every day. Thank you for the miracle of birth that sent Jesus to save us from ourselves and give us eternal life. Give us eyes to see, a heart to comfort, and a mouth to speak your word to the world spreading your miracles to all, in Jesus name I pray your will be done. Amen

Author: Bernice Barnes

For me God's miracles are more personal. I don't need someone to change wine into water, or reattach an ear, or make the lame walk.... for me miracles happen every day in many ways. I see miracles in rainbows, clouds, sunshine, flowers, rain, snow, and people. Miracles are all around us, we just don't always stop long enough to see them. Our lives, including mine, are so busy these days that we miss out on a lot of things around us. The older I get the more I just want to slow down the time and take things at a slower pace. I want to enjoy each and every moment as if it will be my last. Unfortunately, I still miss out on many things for many reasons. Still I see more miracles now than I ever did before and I am amazed.

In our world, broken as it may be, many things happen that are not good....tornadoes, earthquakes, monsoons, shootings, and terrorist strikes, but even in these horrible times there are miracles. People are found alive in tornadoes, earthquakes, and monsoons when it appears there will be no survivors. People survive shootings and terrorists strikes for no apparent reason other than divine intervention. Heroes and heroines are miracles that God places in path of people who are in need of help and that is not available by any other means.....So when you think that miracles are a thing of the past......think again my friends......just listen to the news at all the horrible things that are happening and then look beyond the headlines and look for the good in all of the bad.....the survivors or the heroes or the love that these terrible things bring out in the worst of times.....the love that pours out from the world that we don't see on a daily basis.....there is your miracle..... Miracles are everywhere, every day, always, you just have to look for them and accept them for what they are.....miracles.... On that note I will say so long for now. Take care my kind to others and love others, most of all be kind to yourself and love yourself for who you are.....God's child.....another miracle.....God bless.

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