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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good… LIVE in HARMONY with one another…If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, LIVE at PEACE with everyone.”

Romans 12:9, 16, 18


So many things have changed in our lives with the vast advancements in technology.

Social media is one example of something that is now so commonplace that it is hard to remember what life was like before it. A constant barrage of pictures and videos keeps us up to date with what is going on with our friends, but the desire to be liked and noticed can lead some to neglect what is true or good just for a little social media attention. I have seen and commented on images and articles that I feel are inappropriate or untrue. This secular desire to be liked at all costs can lead to evil and away from good. When you think about it on an individual level, it is sad, but when you consider the dangers on an organizational and business level, it is truly dangerous. It is not all so bleak. We can change our own behaviors for the better and lead by example. We have the tools to arm ourselves with truth, love, and that which is good. Do not spread evil and hate; spread love, kindness, and equality. I see so many people on social media glorifying celebrities and quoting things with an evil message.

How often do we quote God’s word?

How often do you see the teachings of Christ displayed on social media?

We have our own avenues to share this love and kindness with each other. If we continue to read these verses, share them, and act as they explain, the world will be a bit brighter.

Take some time to share a passage or passages that is important to you with friends. Your words alone can make a great impact on those that hear them and you and those around you will be filled with the Holy Spirit. Every day, Pray, Read and MEDITATE GOD’s WORD; The BIBLE, and share it with people that may need it.


Our Heavenly Father; Help us to Focus in you and Living with Peace, Love, and Harmony…

And Spread your Grace, Love with words and actions. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

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