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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


“He said to me: My Grace is sufficient for you, for my Power is made Perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)


The Apostle Paul chose to take glory in his infirmities and moments of pain and weakness because it was in those moments, God was really magnified. After suffering beatings and persecution of an indescribable nature, Paul was still able to get up and minister effectively. He refused to be weighed down by any pain that could have hindered or harmed him. He never operated on his own strength; his own human strength and resolve could never keep him going. Paul’s wisdom was great. He knew that he could not boast of any of his achievements because it was thorough Christ that he achieved or attained anything. We are to live the same way; knowing that without Christ, we would not be able to do anything.


Dear God, I have experienced many moments of weakness in my daily life. Thanks to you, I can totally relay on your strength to move forward and to do the work you have called me to do. I take glory in my moments of pain and weakness, because you give me the strength and resolve to carry on, the same way you did for apostle Paul and the rest of the believers who proclaimed the gospel. I choose not to give up because I know you are always with me. In Jesus’ name, I Pray. Amen!

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