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Writer's picturecowmama60barnes


“For it is by GRACE you have been saved, through FAITH—and this is not from yourselves , it is a gift from God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9


Many of the world’s leading, scientific thinkers do not believe in God or a higher power. The accomplishments of man have led us further and further into discovering why the universe acts in the way that it does and also helps us understand our role in it. There is no doubt that we have taken tremendous steps forward in terms of technology… But has our understanding of existence really improved at all?

When you look at the stars, we may now know what elements they are made of, but……Does it really explain how they got there and where the elements came from?

There are certainly theories; many of them are quite sound and based on the talents and efforts of humanity’s most diligent and intelligent people. Any advancement, any theory, any understanding we may have does not come from us. It comes from God. Today, temptation and the false path are often confused with salvation, which comes in many forms: drugs, sex, idolatries, consumption, or other forms of false prophets can offer quick fixes. When we forget that it is not us, it is not humanity, it is God that is in the driver’s seat, we become our own worst enemy. This can be said for all people, even the most intelligent and successful. It is only through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice that we may understand true and everlasting salvation. It is only with our faith in the Lord, and not in oneself or other false prophets, that we may find grace. Prayer: Our Lord in Heaven, hallowed be thy name and the relationship between you and humanity. Lead me away from worldly temptations. Help me find the courage to strengthen my faith in you and only you, my Lord, in whom all true redemption and GRACE, is found. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!

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